Matt “Jubal” Cunningham’s wife, Laura, has dug up her maiden name, Saucedo, tacked it on to her married name, and is now serving as the “Director of Latino Outreach” for the Prop. 8 campaign, according to the O.C. Weekly. How disgusting.
How can Latinos get involved in this hate-filled campaign? The same people propagating Prop. 8 want to deport Latinos! The manager of this vile campaign is none other than Jeff Flint, Cunningham’s uber-right wing pal.
Prop. 8 is nothing more than an attempt to take away civil rights from the gay community. Any Latino who backs this measure needs to remember the days when Latino youngsters were beaten for speaking in Spanish at school.
I grew up being called a Mexican, a wetback and a beaner. I blew off these attacks – but they did hurt. The same mentality that led my peers to hurl those epithets at me is now trying to take marriage away from the gay community.
I should not be surprised that Cunningham and his wife are supporting Prop. 8. Matt also has supported John Urell, the Catholic monsignore who covered up for molestor priests. Matt even published the names of some of the victims of molestation. Nice family values there Matt.
This November 4, I encourage all of you, particularly my fellow Latinos, to say no to hate – say not to Cunningham and say not Jeff Flint. Vote NO on Prop. 8!
Beautiful. Am I not correct that the Cunninghams’ marriage itself would have been illegal in this state not long ago, if it weren’t for a humane, wise, and constitutional court decision? That would make a good post in itself.
In 1948, California became the first state to strike down its antimiscegenation laws.
The case was Perez v. Sharp (Perez, for crying out loud!):
What a sad cabal of misanthropic misfits this Yes on 8 campaign has become.
Opponents of Proposition 8 like to style themselves sunny defenders of tolerance. “Hate” is a word they are especially fond of throwing at Prop. 8 supporters.
In a violent display of intolerance, an opponent of Proposition 8 attacked and seriously injured a man who was volunteering on Sunday for the initiative to define marriage as between and a man and a woman.
Great post.
I think my first comment got ate.
What a sad cabal of misanthropic misfits this Yes on 8 campaign has become.
In 1948, California became the first state to strike down its antimiscegenation law.
The case was Perez v. Sharp.
Perez! How much progress have we made in the past 60 years?
Not nearly enough, apparently.
Vern: Mexicans in California have always been allowed to marry whites. How do you think gabachos got control of the Californio ranchos?
I honestly think that saying everyone who supports Prop 8 is being hateful or is full of hate is not true. I think that is NOT useful in this discussion. Tolerance and respect should be exercised by everyone in this discussion.
Wow, anonymous, that just changes everything. I guess we ARE the hateful ones after all!
Gracias para la correccion, Gustavo. I must have been thinking of another part of the country.
Art, you are truly are an execrable little toad. My wife has more intelligence, grace and integrity in the tip of one ingernail than you have in your entire hate-filled, unbalanced, dishonest body.
I look forward to your defeat at the polls.
Chino Blanco,
sorry it took so long…
they got stuck in the spam filters as happens sometimes, since your last was more inculsive I posted only it. Service with a smile
True – when you are talking about the voters. My own wife is voting for Prop. 8. She is not hateful, just very religious.
But the proponents of Prop. 8 – the people who put this abomination on the ballot – they ARE a hate-filled, fearful bunch. I would include Jubal and his cabal in that number.
I never said your wife was stupid. Although she did get stuck with you. What I wrote was that she is working on a hate campaign – and that is horrible. I would expect no less from the Cunningham family.
BTW, I am looking forward to seeing your boy McCain lose on Nov. 4. If Bustamante loses too, all the better.
But the proponents of Prop. 8 – the people who put this abomination on the ballot – they ARE a hate-filled, fearful bunch. I would include Jubal and his cabal in that number.
Well, if Art says it, then it must be so! Because there couldn’t possibly be any other reason why anyone except Art’s wife would support it.
Come to think of it, Art, you would fit right in on the Santa Ana City Council. You are Claudia are two sides of the same coin.
You do know that Claudia is one of Bustamante’s most enthusiastic supporters? Oh that’s right, you have no clue about Santa Ana politics. It shows.
And BTW Bustamante is backing Claudia.
As I stated, those who vote for Prop. 8 are not necessarily haters, but you people who put this measure on the ballot ought to be ashamed of yourselves, if you had any sense of shame in the first place. What a waste of time and money!
So Matt, if marriage is so sacred to you, when will you be putting forth a ballot measure to make divorce illegal?
I know Claudia is backing Carlos. My point is you and Claudia are the same type of person. Pay attention, unless I’m going too fast for you.
So Matt, if marriage is so sacred to you, when will you be putting forth a ballot measure to make divorce illegal?
For a guy who still boasts about his high school GPA as proof of his intelligence, it’s amazing that you turn to silly statements like that one as some irrefutable proof that marriage is NOT the union of man and a woman. So much brain activity in that fervid mind of yours, yet so little actual thought.
So you accuse me of calling your wife stupid, which I didn’t, then you turn around and hint that I am stupid? Classic.
I have nothing in common with Claudia. Folks in my town know this quite well. but keep trotting that lame argument out – it is undermining whatever credibility you had in the first place.
As for divorce, the point is that for a lot of you Reeps marriage is between a man and a woman. Then another woman. Then another. See “Newt Gingrich” or “Rudy Giuliani.” Or “Jon Fleischman” for that matter. Not to mention your boy Mike Carona. How many “Debbies” was he shacking up with? I am pretty sure there were at least two…
There is no good reason to oppose gay marriage. But there are plenty of reasons to oppose cheap and easy divorce. And the type of womanizing that so many of you Reeps are known for. So when are you starting on that ballot measure?
What I wrote was that she is working on a hate campaign
No, you said she is getting paid to hate. Which is a lie. But lying and character assassination is what is to be expected from a sad little man like you.
I would expect no less from the Cunningham family.
Art, you don’t know the Cunningham family. But speaking from ignorance is your stock in trade. And it says a great deal about the type of person that you are that your disagreements with others always — always — degenerate into personal attacks. It’s a manifestation of your shallow mind and puny soul.
So you accuse me of calling your wife stupid, which I didn’t, then you turn around and hint that I am stupid? Classic.
Do I need to use small, one and two syllable words?
I didn’t accuse you of calling my wife stupid. And I didn’t hint that you were stupid.
Again, maybe I am going to fast for you to keep up.
I have nothing in common with Claudia.
Sure you do. You both engage in hack-and-slash personal attack politics. You are on different teams, but you use the same tactics.
There is no good reason to oppose gay marriage.
Wow. What an argument. Unassailable.
As for divorce, the point is that for a lot of you Reeps marriage is between a man and a woman. Then another woman.
Oh boy. Three GOPers who got divorces. I didn’t realize three was “a lot.”
* yawn *
Go to bed you two.
Perhaps Matt and Art should un against each other in a campaign. Boy, those debates sure would be fun!
Art for someone who gets all riled up if someone even mentions your family – you sure dont practice what you preach. <> I guess attacking family members is now up for grabs eh? Hell lets attack the kids too. The only hate monger I see here is yourself…the intolerance for those that don’t \think\ like you do is embarassing for your cause and your run for city council.
Throwing around the word hate, accusing another of hate, is in itself a form and expression of hate.
It seems we lost the whole part of the blog between the cat wailing between ‘jubal’ and ‘art’…BORING! Same ole…same ole…yes, we get guys can’t stand each other.
Can we get back to the blog now?
Matt’s wife is working on a major political campaign – in public outreach. As such she is a public figure. And, as I noted, this story was reported by the OC Weekly. We did not break it.
I would suggest that if Mrs. Cunningham is averse to publicity perhaps she should pursue a different line of work.
Prop 8 IS about hate. And fear. And disenfranchisement. When you move to limit or take away someone’s civil rights, because you don’t like the way they are, that sir IS hate. Deal with it. And vote NO on Prop. 8.
I knew this post would prod Matt into a frenzy. People need to know what dirty work he and his pals and family are up to. Latinos in particular should be forewarned. A vote for Prop. 8 is a vote for angry Republicans who hate us. Don’t do Matt and his boy Flint any favors! Vote NO on Prop. 8!
The professional spinners squeal like stuck pigs if you ever criticize them or the work that they do.
They can put out any kind of vicious crap they want, but they don’t want anybody to know who they are or hold them accountable.
All aboard the family HATE TALK EXPRESS .
Well…the frenzy is now boring. I think it’s safe to say that I’m a pretty saavy smart person and can figure out on my own what certain people think they can gain..or what they won’t gain for that matter in posting their responses to the blog(s). I also had my mind made up a few months ago on Prop 8, so I don’t need any push toward any one way. I’m off the ‘Family Hater Player Express”…..
Just get back to what you seem to do very well…and moderate the blog with somewhat tact and diplomacy.
Well, Art, at least your honest about one thing: you go after my wife just to get at me. Way to act like a grown up. Like I said, you are an execrable little toad, and you cannot help but display your arrested adolescence on this blog.
Then again, the best you can do in terms of mustering any semblance of an argument against Prop. 8 is to simply shriek it is about “hate” and anyone who supports it does so out of “hate.”
This is all really very disturbing. My words are lost.
Are you able to defend your position without resorting to name-calling? Your hate is showing.
As I said over on Navel Gazing–the family that hates homos together, stays together. Way to antagonize Matt, Art!
“Then again, the best you can do in terms of mustering any semblance of an argument against Prop. 8 is to simply shriek it is about “hate” and anyone who supports it does so out of ‘hate.’”
Then please Matt, explain your position, and please, try not to lie about it with pro-Prop 8 soundbites. Remember: lying is a sin.
As I said over on Navel Gazing–the family that hates homos together, stays together.
Ho ho! What a clever man you are Gustavo!
And from the “Two-Faced Overrated Bloggers” file, here’s what you wrote to me in the copy of your new book (secured for me, unsolicited, I might add):
Despite our differences, I know you’re a good family man.
God bless,
I wonder if I can get anything for it at The Bookman?
Are you able to defend your position without resorting to name-calling? Your hate is showing.
Art, I have already extensively explained my position on Prop. 8 and same-sex marriage over a OC Blog. And all without mentioning you.
Then please Matt, explain your position, and please, try not to lie about it with pro-Prop 8 soundbites. Remember: lying is a sin.
See the above comment, SMS. Good to see those much vaunted (by yourself) reasoning powers are clicking on all cylinders.
Hate, hate, hate, … is it just me or has the word lost meaning, relevance, .. something ….
Find a new word art
‘For a guy who still boasts about his high school GPA as proof of his intelligence, it’s amazing that you turn to silly statements like that one as some irrefutable proof that marriage is NOT the union of man and a woman.‘
You just keep proving that you’re not above the same old tricks, don’t you? Seriously, you think I am unreasonable? Gay marriage doesn’t change hetero marriage, and yet hetero bigotry is attempting to destroy the only equal partnership gays and lesbians currently (read your constitution) have under the law.
Am I crazy about using the word marriage? No, I think everyone here knows that I’m not, but for the 100,000th time: if you don’t want to respect the LGBT community by providing truly EQUAL civil unions, then you force it to ‘redefine’ civil marriage, don’t you? You had the power to stop this, but you consider your union superior to someone else’s and are attempting to legislate accordingly. That’s called oppression and it’s harshly unamerican, unless of course you’re a Bible-thumping X-tian who feels that his church’s interpretation of the word of the invisible God has domain over matters of law, in which case you’re as wholesome as war and apple pie. It’s called theocracy, and as such you’re no better than than the Taliban, that comparison having been made many times on this blog.
Not reasoning on all cylinders huh? And you are? I don’t want to argue with your Bible, I want to argue with you. As the limited government Republican you claim to be, how do you justify this from a legal standpoint? You still haven’t answered my question.
And for the record, if I make you cry to your (likely also-bigoted) mommy during this conversation, remember that you started with the personal attacks.
If you disagree with the behavior/beliefs/ideology of “X-tians”, does it naturally follow that you hate those people?
Um, for Sarah I’ll take the liberty to say no, but I wish she would stop calling them funny names, it just plays into their paranoia and sense of victimhood.
anon –
Thanks! I was waiting for someone to bring that up. Jesus taught to live and let live, and his followers are Christians, for whom I have tremendous respect.
‘X-tians’ on the other hand, warp religion into a tool used to further their own hateful world view in which all sinners and non-X-tians are all going to suffer for eternity, merely because they disagree. What’s funny is that nobody has implied that these X-tians (AKA Talibanis) will burn for their beliefs despite their hate also being a sin against their God.
In short, I hate anyone who thinks they can arbitrarily decide how someone else should live their life so as not to offend their sensibilities and then goes out of their way to force that belief on as many other as possible. It’s illogical by Christianity’s own theology for a X-tian to act against the teachings of Jesus, citing a few random, arguable Bible passages as somehow overwhelming ‘factual’ evidence that God hates gays. Jesus taught tolerance. On this there really is no argument.
I hate hate. I don’t tolerate intolerance. The idea that somehow X-tians are victims in all this when they started the culture war by imposing repression is just sick.
“I hate hate”.
That’s merely a variation on the one Christians use (badly, I might add) that goes “Hate the sin, love the sinner”.
I would submit to you that your hate is not morally superior to theirs.
I do think you’re a good family man, Matt–your daughters are in college and politically astute. You and your wife obviously raised them well. That doesn’t mean that I agree with all of your positions, or those of your family’s. Again, read my inscription. You might get a buck for my book at Bookman and I might be overrated, but that’s all good.
anon –
How so? I’m not a member of a religion or political party that believes in conquest and manifest destiny.
I’m not a X-tian. Therefore, I’m supposed to be cast into the fiery pit or some such nonsense. I’m not a Republican. I don’t go around imposing my system of government on others which is contrary to the foundations and history of that government. *cough* Iraq.
If greed is sometimes good, then hate can be good. Very often, it can be used as a tool to achieve positive, even altruistic ends. If a mother is grieving over her murdered child, and she decides to hate the monster of a man responsible who kills because he hates society, how do you figure that the hate from the former isn’t coming from a more morally justified place?
I’m not saying that it’s necessarily always right, but there are exceptions to every rule, and yes ‘hate’ should always be viewed in context. I hate when groups systematically conspire to take rights away from others simply because they think something is ‘icky.’ It’s no better than parents who arbitrarily boss their children around as if they were robots, telling them ‘because I said so.’ It’s inexcusable.
Did I bake your noodle just then?
If that’s what you believe, then I would suggest that your understanding of Jesus and the forgiveness, grace and love he extended to people, even to those who hated him or disagreed with him, is faulty.
You said “In short, I hate anyone who thinks they can arbitrarily decide how someone else should live their life so as not to offend their sensibilities and then goes out of their way to force that belief on as many other as possible.” That is not a “good” hate. That’s simply a hate directed at another imperfect person based on beliefs/tactics/ideology/their extremism.
Disagreeing with that is one thing. Hating the person for it is another.
Noodle not baked.
anon –
I don’t think Jesus’ love is faulty. I’m also not Jesus. Again, with that X-tian new math. Jesus was considered the savior of mankind for his actions. That isn’t the standard that I’m attempting to set for ordinary people.
What I’m saying is, when someone tells you that your entire life is a sin and you will be punished for merely existing, it’s nearly impossible to love them. Not to mention that, back in his time, hatred and anger might have gotten Jesus crucified even sooner! This is 2008. We still don’t live in a political climate that works well with pacifism, so unless you want me to die on a cross, that’s an unfair statement.
And I don’t hate anyone for disagreeing, I hate them for hating. Logic is against Prop 8. Using religious dogma in lieu of a losing logical argument is, in my opinion, very much hate-based.
I don’t hate Nixon for going off the gold standard, although I disagree. I don’t hate Carl because he thinks semi-autos are OK guns for urban areas and I don’t. I don’t hate Vern for wanting bigger government or Obama for President. They stand for something, and for their own good reasons. This blog should be seen as a beacon of cooperation amongst adversaries.
Again, there is no excuse to vote for Prop 8 unless one is hateful, or at very least has been duped by the Yes on 8 people to think the anti-christ will rise and our civilization will crumble unless it is passed, in which case, I hate ignorance too.
I don’t hate Vern for wanting bigger government…
(Just one little off-topic parenthesis – I don’t want bigger government. I DO want a single-payer health insurance system, but I’d be happiest if that were a private nonprofit agency with an elected board rather than a new government agency.)
Carry on.
“And I don’t hate anyone for disagreeing, I hate them for hating.”
Again, we’re back to the “Hate the sin, love the sinner” justification. The only problem when you use it, and when Christians use it, is that we can’t, and don’t, live that out perfectly. Inevitably, our very nature causes us, to one degree or another, to let our “hate” of the “hate” (or sin), cloud our feelings about other people.
You would be right to say that has happened with Christian homophobes. I would simply say the flip side of that coin is also true.
We here at the Bookman are willing to give you 25 cents for that signed copy of Gustavo’s latest tone.
I think it’s time for Jubal and Art to settle this feud like gentlemen.
Three rounds? Marquis of Queensbury?
anon –
Your point is noted, but when was the last time someone said, ‘hey, let’s go stone some Christians,’ or ‘hey, let’s make it illegal to practice religion because we are a secular society?’ The key is choice as opposed to theocratic oppression.