O.C. Weekly picks “A Bubbling Cauldron” as Blog of the Year

Congratulations to our friend Geoff West, aka the Pot Stirrer.  The OC Weekly has picked his blog, “A Bubbling Cauldron” as the Blog of the Year.  Here is what the OC Weekly had to say about West’s blog:

“While the county’s major political blogs (OC Blog, the Liberal OC and Orange Juice!) rely on a stable of contributors for their hell-raising, the only writer for A Bubbling Cauldron is Geoff West, who (of course) calls himself the Pot Stirrer. Apart from clichés, that’s what he’s done with Costa Mesa and Newport Beach politics for the past two years, taking on the old money of the latter as well as the dangerous specter of racialism that’s infected Costa Mesa politics. West writes with wit, outrage, investigative gusto and—most important and unlike the Big Three—doesn’t have a horse in the race other than a genuine desire to turn the rascals out.”

West had this to say about his award, “So, a big Thank You to the folks at the OC Weekly. I’m grateful for the recognition and especially so in light of the competition here in Orange County. I don’t really try to compete with the OC Blog, the Liberal OC Blog or the Orange Juice Blog, but it’s nice to be included with them. I just sit here in my little corner of the world, paying attention to what’s going on, offering the occasional opinion and stirring the cauldron…

Again kudos to West – keep giving em Hell in Costa Mesa amigo!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.