Ron St. John’s picks on November ballot

Here’s my November ballot:

President: Barr. When McCain picked Palin and became an advocate for the bailout I wanted my $100 back. The protest vote is imperfect but the best use of the vote.

Congress: Rohrabacher. Yeah, I know I ran against him and I don’t think he’s perfect either, but on spending and free enterprise issues he better represents me than would Cook, and there’s no point to a protest vote when Dana hung tough (as did Loretta Sanchez!) in opposing the bailout.

State Senate: Harmon. Gets top marks from the taxpayer watchdog groups.

State Assembly: Silva. Same as Harmon.

OC Superior Court #12: Carillo. Got top marks from OC Bar, and was least offensive in politicizing the judicial race.

Huntington Beach City Council: Help!!!! I can’t tell these guys apart.

OC Prop J: Yes. Might help stop the bleeding on the underfunded pension issue.

Prop 1A: No. Doesn’t pencil out.
Prop 2: No. Don’t like telling farmers how to run their business.
Prop 3: No. Borrowed money isn’t free.
Prop 4: No. Close call, but not everyone has Ozzie and Harriette as parents.
Prop 5: Yes. Another close call, but in the end rehab is cheaper on nonviolent offenses. Apologies to the NIMBY’s who don’t want to live next door to addicts.
Prop 6: No. Good ideas that don’t withstand close scrutiny on cost/benefit.
Prop 7: No. When even the Sierra Club dumps on a ‘green’ proposal you know it stinks.
Prop 8: No. Let’s see now, there’s personal freedom and equal rights and the separation of church and state on one side, and the hope that public school teachers will never tell kids that its OK to be homosexual on the other side. Guess I’ll err on the side of equal rights.
Prop 9: No. More good ideas that don’t withstand close scrutiny.
Prop 10: No. Snake oil being sold by profiteers in the war on oil dependence.
Prop 11: Yes. How much worse could an independent redistricting crew do?
Prop 12: No. A close call, but sometimes acting as guarantor isn’t free either. Shouldn’t we be making the same sort of offer to teachers, nurses, fire fighters, police officers, foster parents, blood donors, etc?

About Ron St. John