Santa Ana Council Candidates Forum to be held on Tuesday night

Orange County Congregation Community Organization (OCCCO) is having a Santa Ana City Council Candidates Forum tonight, at the following location:

City Council Candidate Forum
Foro de Candidatos del Consejo Municipal
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
The Delhi Community Center
505 E Central Ave, Santa Ana, CA

The format for the OCCCO City Council Candidate Forum is as follows:

Opening Statement/Vision 1 min

A total of 4 questions that will remain the same for all candidates, they are as follows: 1 min response time

1) Given the current housing crisis and so many families losing their homes, as a city councilmember how do you intend to help these families. Considering that many of these families are part of the working class, do you have plans to increase the amount of workforce housing?

2) What concrete plans do you have to decrease the amount of violence in our city? Who do you think you will work with in order to utilize a prevention approach to this growing problem?

3) What plan(s) do you have to increase “responsible” development in our city in a manner that respects current residents and benefits our low-income families?

4) Understanding the current climate in Orange County around immigration and knowing that a good portion of our residents in Santa Ana are undocumented and living in fear, how do you intend to create relationships with this segment of the population and represent their issues at the council?

The candidates will be given the opportunity to speak in either English or Spanish and their answers will be translated.

OCCCO is a faith-based community organization working to strengthen families and improve neighborhoods. Our mission is to empower people to take responsibility for communities, to shape public policy, and to build a legacy of leadership throughout Orange County, according to their website.

The Forum will be hosted by the (OCCCO) Local Organizing Committee at Our Lady of Guadalupe, Delhi Church. We also expect to collaborate in the planning and execution of the Forum with: Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, St. Anne’s Catholic Church and the Delhi Community Center. Additionally, a number of Santa Ana faith communities are invited to attend the Forum including: St. Joseph Catholic Church, First United Methodist Church of Santa Ana, Episcopal Church of the Messiah, St. Peter Lutheran Church, and First Congregational Church of Santa Ana.

Questions may be directed to OCCCO’s Community Organizer Eddie Carmona. He may be reached at (714) 470-8178 or

OCCCO also has two other forums coming up before the election:

Tuesday, Oct 28, 2008
Mayoral Candidate Forum
Foro de Candidatos del Alcade
7:00 PM – 8:45 PM
St. Anne’s Catholic Church (Campbell Center)
1324 S. Main St., Santa Ana, CA

Thursday, Oct 30, 2008
School Board Candidate Forum
Foro de Candidatos del Distrito Escolar
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Immaculate Heart of Mary (Parish Hall)
1100 S. Center St., Santa Ana, CA

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.