It takes special talent that can only be found in the McCain/Palin camp to give David Letterman SO MUCH material to work with. Here is a recap of the much-talked-about Vice Presidential Debates. The end of this clip has the top ten messages left on Sarah Palin’s message machine. Funny stuff, I don’t care who you are!
Letterman’s Top Ten
Messages Left on Sarah Palin’s Answering Machine
10. “Hi, it’s Jon McCain. I had to go to bed early. How’d it go?”
9. “Hi, Katie Couric here. Have you thought of a Supreme Court case yet.”
8. “Hi, it’s Bill Clinton. Let me know when Todd’s out of town.”
7. “My name is Joseph Sixpack. Knock it off.”
6. “Hi, Katie Couric again. Think of any newspapers yet?”
5. “Buy the Late Show Fun Facts Book. It’s a bridge to hilarity.”
4. “John McCain again. Could you pick up my prescriptions?”
3. “Senator Larry Craig here. Do you have Joe Biden’s phone number?”
2. “McCain again. Do you remember where I parked the Straight talk Express?”
1. “It’s President Bush. If you’re at the debate, who’s watchin’ Russia?”…
(here’s for you, junior 😉
I must admit Red that I did get some yuks from DL’s monologue. It was a good deal more enjoyable than your tasteless “Chicken Killin’ Dog” pile of dog s**t post.
Glad you got some laughs out of that. I did too 😉
junior, your criticism over the molly ivins column has been vague. What exactly don’t you like about it? The picture or what?
(if it’s the picture- it’s what it looks like. It’s worse when a skunk gets killed, because the stench is so overwhelming. Tomato juice can be used to neutralize the smell, btw)
The picture was disgusting, the article was description enough.
I know that you are going to attempt to justify that – so have at it.
An interesting and unscientific observation.
American voters seem to like leaders to be the “Butt End of the joke”.
I have not seen everything, but from what I see being posted on blogs, Clips from Lettermen, Leno and others and from the great “Butt End of the joke” shows like SNL and Mad TV.
The McCain/Palin ticket seems to be receiving far more exposure than any of the other Tickets.
So even tho the Hollywood Stars are putting their money on Obama/Biden ticket. The underlying brains behind Hollywood, the writers, are putting their efforts on the more entertaining A-Team ticket.
It is too bad for Californians as a whole. Since the state of California and its residents have seen our share of taxation and Cost of Living skyrocket with every election that we are on the loosing ticket.
Opps my mistake, our share of taxation , and increasing Cost of Living went up during Clintons years too.
You’re not my mommie. I don’t have to give any kinds of excuses to you. This entire blog has unapologetic pictures all the time. Local Pol Bustamante has a bra hanging off his face. Claudi has been dressed up in a slutty devil costume….. Quit being such a wimp 😉
That’s kind of an interesting premise. However, I don’t think it is particularly helpful to the McCain/Palin campaign to really showcase what a big liar McCain was over something so simple as canceling a spot with Letterman, and not doing what he said he was going to do…. and then night after night, Letterman takes jabs at the dishonesty and insincerity of their campaign. It’s funny stuff…. but more like “wince humor” for supporters of the GOP.
The whole legislative process has been in the hands of the GOP starting 12 years ago. It has nearly been total – ALL 3 branches for 6 years for the GOP. Don’t forget, the Republicans had been doing such a rotten job, that many of them were voted OUT in 2006, giving both House and Senate the majority.
There are now signs that even more republicans will be sent packing. If Obama wins, this will be the first time in decades that the democrats will be in the majority of all three branches.
Some folks like video clips because as they say, a picture is worth a 1,000 words. Here is a focus group in Alaska that were asked to watch the Palin/Bidden debates and their reactions are recorded. It is a small clip – about 4 minutes and it shows the candidates side-by-side in much of the clip. One thing that caught my attention, was the amount of time that Govenor Palin spent in looking at her index cards, while Senator Biden was making his point. Biden spent his time watching her speak and didn’t rely so heavily on the notes.
One other comment that struck me at the end of the video clip page:
Sarah’s parents do not speak in her affected manner, so it did not come from her home. Frankly, I have never heard a middle class Alaskan speak in the vernacular Palin affects. If she claims to be imitating Alaskans, then I find her act to be false and insulting.
If you watch carefully, Sarah Palin puts on her strange vernacular precisely when she cannot handle the question, as if to imply that the some mystical shared knowledge of nothing overcomes all (wink-nod). The problem is, Sarah Palin is not that good an actress. Especially when you know to look for it, and we Alaskans know when to look for it now, the put-on comes across as flat and affected. For Sarah Palin the act is all about twinkles, winks, flutters, and fake smiles.
Here is the link of the Alaskans’ reactions on video:
Wow! I can hardly stand it – the Dems will have the majority in all three branches. That certainly guarantees a Rep win in 2012. And I bet the mantra will be – CHANGE.
the Dems will have the majority in all three branches. That certainly guarantees a Rep win in 2012.
If the GOP remains hijacked by neocon crooks and cowards, then I would not bet on it.
Red says: “The whole legislative process has been in the hands of the GOP starting 12 years ago. It has nearly been total – ALL 3 branches for 6 years for the GOP.”
Red – The “whole legislative process” is ONE brance of the Federal government. The Federal government has 3 branches – legislative, executive and judicial. However, I understand your meaning.
Further, without 60 votes in the Senate to break cloture, neither party has their “hands on” the legislative process.
And I repeat from a recent post of mine,
I hope that the next eight years of the Obama presidency will not be as bitter and hateful as the Clinton/Gingrich/Limbaugh decade, and that we can all work together and respect each other as fellow Americans. I hope that the GOP will take the opportunity of its coming decade in the wilderness to ditch its racism, nativism, homophobia and warmongering, and return to its roots as the party of small, limited, efficient government; strong but smart defense; defense of individual liberties and privacy; respect for the Constitution and rule of law; and conservation of our natural resources. THAT’s a party we Dems could work well with!
Vern, Amen to that.
Vern, don’t hold your breath. A lot of those guys are clinging bitterly to their bullets and their worry beads. They take it personally because God is on their side. And God hates queers and traitors and intellectuals. It’s been that way since the era of the dinosaurs (6000 years ago).
I will agree with you on several points and not on others.
First off, I agree that IF and WHEN they (the R’s) get handed their heads, I hope they return to being what they should have been all along, the adults in the room. Those who demand that the govt. actually apply the Constitution and “stay within the lines” as you know, this would please me greatly. The current administration has done little for my ilk in keeping within the rules of law. Some of it I understand and accept, some of it not. It may take a real butt kicking for them to return to that. If they ever do, and that slow boat to hell keeps gaining speed. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is why I am a constructionist, because it limits the power of the government. We need to return to limited government if this nation is to maintain or gain back its freedom.
Second, Not all conservatives nor Republicans are racists, homophobes, warmongers, or religious zealots. Nor are many of them clinging to their bullets. A whole universe of them have no clue what the Constitution is much less what it says and stands for, even if they ALL swear or affirm to uphold it, that goes for BOTH parties. Most, on both sides of the aisle have no clue what’s a “right” or a Right or what the difference is. Some are enumerated, some have been read into common law by the courts or by the various legislatures and executives by declaration. Some of those enumerated Rights have been orphaned by the “party of inclusion” and are only getting lip service from Mr. Obama. Anyone who wants to change that has, a mechanism to change the Constitution, but they refuse to use it. Instead they will legislate and then litigate. Not the intention of the framers and not the way things should work because it causes this bitterness. I am a Second Amendment activist, have been since they started treating me like I was a criminal or had criminal intent. That’s just wrong to treat those of us who are working to save an enumerated Right, as if we are some how committing a crime or are stupid troglodytes. It’s prejudging us. Nor should ex post facto laws be tolerated by either party. Again, it creates huge bitterness. Name calling and stereotypes of us, should not be tolerated by either party. If there is a wish to stop prejudice they need to practice what they preach.
Third, my signature line for the SantaAnaYahooGroup (when it was active, before he who shall not be named, poisoned it) used to be a Gandhi quote. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” I heard it and embraced it, because it has much deeper meaning than most seem to want to understand. Lead by example. If you cannot control yourself and be the way you want the rest of the world to be, how can you have expectations that something you cannot control is going to be any better? It is an interesting proposition and goes to the very heart of who we all are. You can’t control others but you CAN control yourself. I truly try to be as I would like others to be and act. I am human and make mistakes and let my emotions and words get away from me at times, but I do try to apologize for it, when I fail as well. I’m certainly far from perfect and I know it.
“Make your words soft and sweet for tomorrow they may be all you eat.”
If the bitterness, hateful words and actions which have been the status quo for the past 20 years continues, neither party can claim the higher moral ground in regard to public discourse or descriptions of others. The left has been equally guilty in this as the right. It is one of the reasons why I have taken others on this blog to task from time to time, for their tasteless words, pictures and very derisive actions. We all need to get off of the stereotypes, the insinuations, the mean spirited descriptions, and prejudices that abound. We need to think more before we speak and act. Take time to become educated and look at the issues that we all face before we open our mouths, and above all we should try to be respectful, truthful and honest when we do. A little good taste wouldn’t hurt either. Try to treat others as you want to be treated, something seemingly lost to the history books and a few of us dinosaurs.
Thanks for the understanding and the clarification. Welcome and thanks, Carl, for your contributions.
SHOUT OUTS! to anon, David and Joe! 😉
Carl, thank you for a thoughful expression of political conscience. Our beliefs are probably not that different. I used to consider myself a conservative – much more so than most of my fellow Republicans in local government. Now I wonder what the term even means nowadays after 8 years of disastrous Bush “conservatism.”
A lot of the current political ill-will is a result of an impending election – the partisanship wells up every election cycle and that’s just the way it is. But I really think there is an element on the “Right” that is really driven by an ingrained bitterness and hatred of The Other. I believe in the next few weeks we’ll see the nastiest manifestations of this mindset.
The Sarah Palin choice by McCain is offensive to me. It offends my intelligence, my sense of propriety, and it offends my political principles, too. She is capable of nothing but parroting somebody else’s cliches (the ones she can remember, that is). The Republic seems to be tanking and she gives us beauty pageant mugging and winking and folksy colloquialisms that open a window into a completely vapid understanding of the nation and the world. The McCain campaign and its hatchet wielders have spent the entire summer trying to characterize Obama as a mere celebrity, an empty suit; and now McCain presents the American people with the emptiest suit of all – a made for reality TV celebrity. Ironic. And sad.
Lotsa wise words there, Carl, just a couple exceptions taken:
I agree that IF and WHEN they (the R’s) get handed their heads, I hope they return to being what they should have been all along, the adults in the room.
I hope both parties behave as adults, but the R’s “return” to that? You must be talking about before Nixon perhaps. In any case anyone who watched both the recent debates could see plainly who the “adults” are in this particular race.
The current administration has done little for my ilk in keeping within the rules of law. Some of it I understand and accept, some of it not.
I worry sometimes that those breaches you “understand and accept” are the really dangerous things they’ve done under the guise of the “war on terror.”
EG -Eviscerating the fourth amendment by spying on millions more Americans illegally than we can ever know or prove (thanks wimpy Democrats who voted for telcom immunity by the way, we’ll never get to the bottom of it) which started BEFORE 9/11 by the way, a month or so into the new Administration, and also obviously did nothing to PREVENT 9/11. You KNOW it’s political foes Cheney and Rove were spying on, who are we kidding.
– Becoming, once again, a nation that tortures as a matter of policy, that unilaterally discarded the Geneva Conventions, that revoked habeas corpus for the first time since the Magna Carta (with the brief exception of the Civil War) all of which was unnecessary and unhelpful in the “War on Terror” but are a great blot on this great nation’s soul…
– The extreme secrecy, abuse of power, agressive overreach of the executive branch at the expense of the other two branches. Etc. etc. I hope those are not the abuses you “understand and accept.” Those are the biggies.
Second, Not all conservatives nor Republicans are racists, homophobes, warmongers, or religious zealots.
I think you know I never said such a thing, or do I have to call STRAWMAN?
Nor are many of them clinging to their bullets.
That was Zenger’s words, which I wouldn’t have used in the present company. You are all perfectly welcome to your bullets. In fact some of us on the left might be asking you to share soon.
Vern said: “You are all perfectly welcome to your bullets. In fact some of us on the left might be asking you to share soon.”
Vern – Your statement here begs for further explanation.
Juice Brother Vern,
I addressed you because I thought you would understand where I was coming from even if (some of) the comments were from others. I apologize if you took it personally.
You may find this interesting or not, I don’t know.