Team Pulido launches another pathetic attack on Michele Martinez

Team Pulido’s allies have sunken to a new low, even for them, as they continue to pummel Councilwoman Michele Martinez.  The mailer seen above, and below, is their latest attack. I think this is going to backfire.  Attacking Martinez for things she did in her youth is ridiculous.  She changed and grew up, with the help of many mentors.  Today she is a shining example of what our troubled youth can accomplish with help from the rest of us.

It is interesting that Team Pulido and their wicked amigos cannot attack her on the issues.  Instead they are dredging up old news.  This will not avail them.  If anything it simply serves to remind us how morally bankrupt Pulido and company are.  Change is in the air – this attack is simply the latest evidence that Team Pulido’s regime might be drawing to a close on Nov. 4.

Remember to vote for change this year – vote for Martinez, or George Collins for Mayor.  Do NOT vote for Pulido.  And vote for myself, Jim Walker and Lisann Martinez for the Santa Ana City Council.  Together we CAN make a difference!

Are you tired of these awful attacks?  It is time to strike back!  Here is Martinez’ latest campaign message:

Dear Supporters, These final 4 days will be the most challenging hurdle our campaign will face.  This is our last push to change Santa Ana.  We need to make every effort to connect with as many voters as possible.  I need your help and support to ensure that this campaign continues with full momentum until Election Day., Will you contribute $25 or more today to help provide the boost our campaign needs for this finishing stretch?, We also need as many people as possible to join our rally this Saturday at Windsor Park from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm., The future of our city is within your grasp., Thank you for everything, Michele.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.