I just checked the new numbers from the O.C. Voter Registrar of Voters – and Andrew Do, who is O.C. Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s Chief of Staff, has pulled ahead of Robin Marcario. There are still quite a few more paper ballots to count, so we will see what happens. If Do wins, then both Council seats in Garden Grove will have gone to Republicans and the Democrats will have been punked again. Nice going Paul Lucas! Way to tank the whole ticket.
If Do prevails, there needs to be a recount. I want to know where all these late paper ballots came from. It sounds like voter fraud to me.
In related news, over in Westminster, Van Tran’s ally Truong Diep is about 400 votes behind in his Council race. We can only hope he loses!
Hey Art,
Is that your excuse for losing your race.
Don’t be silly. Bustamante spent ten times what I did and the vote was split amongst three challengers.
Do spent over $100K. However, now that he is in, we will be watching him very closely. If he does anything stupid it will reflect poorly on his mistress, Janet. In four years she will have a heck of a time getting reelected…
It was nice to see Lucas go down in flames. It could not have happened to a more disgusting human being.
As someone who has worked a polling location in western Garden Grove, Art has a point.
I remember older Vietnamese men dropping off 3 or four absentee ballots and not having them signed as far as is required on the envelope. Of course, once it is in the big Ballot box, there is no way of knowing if the ballot was hand delivered by the voter or another person who collected a few and dropped them off.
I asked about this and both the person stuffing the election day absentee ballot in the ballot box and the manager of the polling site did not know or care that ther needs to be a signature of the person dropping off the ballot.
Then I have asked is the OC Registra office checks the signature of the Absentee ballot application(this is the application that one sign to gat a ballot delivered to their home) is compared with the original voter Registration application and they said it is not compared.
This is what I envision this sly group performing so well in the Absentee vote totals.
Someone unknowingly signs a Vietnamese voter up for the Vote by mail given the OC registra just processes the request without verfying the signature.
The person receiving the absentee ballot is then targeted when those ballots are sent out and these groups harvest the ballots for an election day drop off.
Smooth but totally illegal.
Joe Brown,
You have no idea what your talking about. the registrar of voters does check the signatures of each absentee ballot. Go see for yourself the process is open to the public.
Wow! 518,000 absent ballots were checked and the signatures were compared with the image on file.
That’s not happening!
But they should first compare the signature on file with the application to vote by mail signature before sending a ballot to a voter.
Right now they just send a ballot for anybody applying without checking to verify if the signature is the voters or some worker getting paid $5 for every completed VBM filled out.
Let me guess what campaign you worked on…..
Please stop hating us for our being successful in everything we do as opposed to you know what. If you want fairness then start investigate Loretta Sanchez. As a community, the Viets hire more Mexicans/hispanics in percentile compared to their own kind. The average mexican and viets get along very well. Heck, we see Viet/Mex dating/marriage are on the rise. And some of these biggots like you just out of place, totally.