Brazen Santa Ana carjackers tote a rifle and don ski masks

“A group of people in black ski masks and armed with a rifle carjacked a man and took off in his Lexus during Tuesday night’s rainstorm, police said. Authorities are searching for the group of suspects,” according to the O.C. Register.

What the Register did not report is that the carjacking took place nearby two public parks, just north of the vaunted Sandpointe Neighborhood! (See the graphics above and below).

So much for Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s “safe” Santa Ana.  By the way, there were 7 carjackers.  Their ages ranged from the late teens to the early 20s.

I hope all you people who voted for Pulido and his “Team” on Nov. 4 are proud of yourselves! Either you believed the lies propagated by Team Pulido, about Santa Ana being one of the “safest cities in Orange County,” or you simply did not do your homework.  In either case, the threat of carjackings is now infiltrating good neighborhoods in Santa Ana.

Perhaps Pulido needs to outsource our policing to Blackwater?  Or maybe the Sandpointe neighbors can have a bake sale so they can hire a security guard to keep watch over their cars?

Have a Happy Thanksgiving fellow Santa Ana residents…and be sure to lock your doors and let loose the dogs.  And by all means, please remember this crime wave in two years when Papi Pulido runs for re-election.  Those that forget their history are doomed to repeat their mistakes…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.