Hi! I’m Bubba J! I voted for Obama cause it was cool!
I’m right there with 94% of people like me who knew Sarah Palin had a pregnant teenage daughter. Found that interesting. Yup. And I was as smart as 97% of folks like me who knew who said “I can see Russia from my house.” I watch Saturday Night Live, see… hyuk hyuk…
Somebody asked me if I knew who it was who had won his first election by getting all his opponents knocked off the ballot. But I was right there with 83% of the rest of my friends who didnt know either! So there! And who cares who is going to bankrupt the coal industry? 88% of my friends don’t know, so neither do I!
Now, I like Joe Biden. So I agree with 72% of my friends who say it was somebody else who quit their campaign because of plagiarism. Heck, my friends do that all the time… you got Marx, Lenin, Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Ted Kennedy… its all been said before, so who cares?
And I sure don’t think it matters who controls Congress cause they change hands every two years right? I mean, isnt that what elections do? Make change? 57% of my friends agree with me on that one.
So come on folks, dont be down. Don’t think you look stupid! Look at me.
“We stand by the results our survey work on behalf of John Ziegler, as we stand by all of our work. We reject the notion that this was a push poll because it very simply wasn’t. It was a legitimate effort to test the knowledge of voters who cast ballots for Barack Obama in the Nov. 4 election. Push polls are a malicious effort to sway public opinion one way or the other, while message and knowledge testing is quite another effort of public opinion research that is legitimate inquiry and has value in the public square. In this case, the respondents were given a full range of responses and were not pressured or influenced to respond in one way or another. This poll was not designed to hurt anyone, which is obvious as it was conducted after the election. The client is free to draw his own conclusions about the research, as are bloggers and other members of society. But Zogby International is a neutral party in this matter. We were hired to test public opinion on a particular subject and with no ax to grind, that’s exactly what we did. We don’t have to agree or disagree with the questions, we simply ask them and provide the client with a fair and accurate set of data reflecting public opinion.” – John Zogby
512 Obama Voters 11/13/08-11/15/08 MOE +/- 4.4 points
97.1% High School Graduate or higher, 55% College Graduates
Results to 12 simple Multiple Choice Questions
57.4% could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)
71.8% could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)
82.6% could NOT correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)
88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)
56.1% could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).
And yet…..
Only 13.7% failed to identify Sarah Palin as the person on which their party spent $150,000 in clothes
Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter
And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her “house,” even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!
So now, go ahead, you pedantic meanderers of meaning and vicissitude. Pooh pooh it all away. Explain it all away.
Talk about how it doesnt mean anything. As long as you are consistent enough to include every poll that says oh, a majority of Americans believes in abortion, or… a majority of Americans thinks we should lose in Iraq, or… that finally, somehow, you finally feel like you got a vast majority of Americans to believe what you believe, and your newspapers aren’t failing, and your newscasts aren’t declining, and Americans who just want to be left alone are NOT tuning you out.
Don’t quote some leftwing “Click Here For The Truth!” website. Thats a yawn. I can find five of those too.
Want to make yourself feel better with some verbal masturbation about how out of it I am, without answering any of these points? Be my guest. I need the laughs. I just spent two days getting rid of an f’in nasty AntivirusPro 2009.
From the fertile fields of the Central California Valley, where I have returned to my hometown to help my mother keep her home under the onerous freakin burden of these California taxes, and where you can still fire somebody if you’re smart enough to know not to say why, this is National Issues Writer Terry Crowley.
Uh, Mr Crowley, if you’d use your OBJECTIVE powers of reasoning, you’d know that…
Also, John McCain chose…let me repeat that…John McCain CHOSE a running mate that NOBODY KNEW A DAMN THING ABOUT! Now, being the experienced politician that Mr. McCain certainly is, he HAD to know that choosing Palin would unleash a firestorm of media scrutiny. You don’t get to accept and support a choice like that and then piss and moan when the inevitable happens.
Thank you, Anon! Aptly stated!
Hmm, anon, given that this is at least Mr. Crowley’s third post in a row that consists entirely of incoherent rambling I don’t think he has any powers of reasoning left. Something must have snapped in his brain on Nov. 4…
It is sad that the absolutely normal democratic process of a change of the ruling party, which has happened quite a number of times in the history of this nation causes some people to lose their mind.
The Republicans have a chance to change the composition of Congress in two years, but if they are all like Mr. Crowley it is unlikely to happen.
Want to make yourself feel better with some verbal masturbation about how out of it I am, without answering any of these points? Be my guest. I need the laughs.
Sorry for your humorless state. It was obvious in your post. Tell me you’re not a downer at parties, too?
You make it hard to take your post with all your unverified statistics, seriously. Where are you getting those numbers? Just kind of making them up as you go? Pulling them out of your sleeve? It really helps to support a position- in your case a whole lot of positions- by including a reference link so that others can view the source. I can’t/won’t dabble in the foolishness of arguing with unverifiable stats- it’s like waving away whiffs of smoke- pointless.
Some of the best news coming out of the election was the emergence of the 538 electoral projection site: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/ Where other polls/projection sites were all over the place, like they have been in past elections, 538 remained strong and steady and extremely accurate. The two young men running that site are enjoying some elevation to fame because of their hard work and clever data collection strategies. Perhaps you’re disappointed,Terry, in part, because you are following the wrong polling sites that are becoming obsolete.
As far as the “click for truth” sites like Media Matters, Snopes etc… they are helpful to debunk all the hateful, devisive and untrue material that some of the meaner talk radio show hosts have used to rile up their “base”. When you know the truth of the issues and you speak that truth to power, our world is a better place. It looks like you enjoy a steady diet of those shows. A listening addiction that demands you shut out opposing facts that might contradict your fragile reality of an unfair and scary world in which we are all divided up, grabbing for whatever little scraps that the past 8 years of failed Bush policies and efforts have allowed us to have. Like we should just be used to it going forward.
Here’s the real deal, Terry, and you can bank on it. We are in very tough economic times and our nation has a whole host of serious choices to make. We can make things better for the whole of us, but it’s going to take work and it’s going to take our collective paying attention to get things done right. Please do what you can to clear your head, quit looking in the fuzzy rear view mirror, and put your efforts into finding solutions going forward. Put away the puppets and other silly diversions. We need every patriot working in the right direction to keep this country great.
Red Vixen,
One of the better commentaries written on this site in quite some time. Well said!
Vixen… typical.
I can’t/won’t dabble in the foolishness of arguing with unverifiable stats- it’s like waving away whiffs of smoke- pointless.
You won’t bother cause you can’t. Those are hard Zogby numbers, one of the most reliable pollsters in the country. Not a couple of liberal dope heads in their garage on their off hours. I know 538.com. Waste of time.
Just like the other “sing to the chorus” sites you look for. They may have rooted in the blogosphere, for now. But they will fade just like their liberal counterparts in newspaper, tv, and radio do.
The narcissistic, feel-better-when I-blame-America crowd, the “nothings happened since 9-11 cause nobody wants to hurt us” groupies, the “its selfish not to let the government spend your money” crowd, that wants to listen to have its facts meet its preconceived conclusions, will always listen.
That was THE POINT of the POLL. You pretend to know whats going on, but you’re more interested in boxers or briefs than the security of your nation.
Little secret: Obama DID NOT change anybodys mind. The Republican Party did its “Bob Dole” routine and nominated the party elder. And this year, we got a plus. They listened to a bunch of news hacks who said “Ooooh, he’s got to work with the other side.” And the base walked away in disgust. And many of them voted for Obama just to give people a dose of their own medicine. You get what you pay for.
Next time, if the Republicans dont nominate a REAL Conservative, not a knuckle dragger looking for Hollywood approval, they deserve what they get then too.
We’ll start working in the right direction when people like you drop the silly pretense that its a great day when somebody is elected by buying your vote with other peoples money. We’ll be moving in the right direction if we have someone who shows he’s more capable that someone who thinks we have 57 states. We’ll be moving in the right direction when we start LEADING in this world, stop pretending like the UN is anything more than people who pat themselves on the back by sending child rapists out to maintain security in places they wouldnt need to be if America we allowed to do the right thing in the first place. But we’d rather be “LOVED” than respected.
We should be sending marines over to the east coast of Africa and sending every pirate to Allah. It was good enough for Thomas Jefferson, its good enough for us.
No Country For Old Crowleys, is it any more.
I do like the idea of going after the pirates though, once we get out of this stupid Occupation Iraqi Fiefdom. That’ll be an international thing, the Indians and Russians are already kicking ass there. I’ll join you for this Jeffersonian adventure, Terry!
Message to Terry Crowley;
Find a country you like better and move there immediately. You’re dragging this one down.
BTW Vixen, that WAS a real poll that inspired Crowley to write this post – questions by rightwing ex-KFI talk host Ziegler assisted by veteran pollster Zogby (whose work has been shaky in recent years.) There were lots of problems with that poll, which Nate at 538 characterized as a push-poll due to its deceptive questions.
I thought Dan at LOC actually did a pretty good story on that poll the other day (our old friend Carl is in the comments!)
which in turn links to a 538 story on the poll, I don’t know if you saw that, I’m sure Crowley doesn’t want to look at it:
Just wanted you to know Crowley didn’t totally pull this out of nowhere.