Chuck DeVore on the Cutting Edge!

Chuck DeVore (pictures above, on the right) has thrown his hat into the ring for the U.S. Senate in 2010 against the venerable Barbara Boxer.  Chuck is one of 30 Republican Assembly members of the 80 member State of California Assembly.

Chuck takes about 50 minutes with us to discuss the State of the California and United States economy.  Chuck’s comments are followed by about seven minutes with Red County master blogger Matt Cunningham!  This 58 minute on camera video interview can be seen on:

Your comments are of course….always welcome!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.