Future Grim for Republican Centrists

An analysis of the 2008 election from a Centrist-Republican (practical pro-business and liberal on social issues) perspective is especially depressing.

For the Republican party as a whole, the bad news is greatly exaggerated. We are in the midst of so much bad news, it is a wonder that the results for red-staters were not way worse. Everyone has seen 25% of the value of their stocks, 401k’s, and houses disappear overnight and we’re in the last ugly phase of our longest and least popular post-war military occupation ever, so for the Democrats to get anything less than a 48-state landslide is something of a surprise. All that happened was national preference for the Democratic candidate shifted from 49% to 51%. Big deal.

But it was the Bible belt that held together support for McCain/Palin (emphasis on Palin), while Centrist Republicans in blue-state suburban areas were getting the worst spankings. And when you dive into the California results you find the only interesting anomaly being the Latino and African-American voters who split their ticket between Obama at the top and then yes-on-H8 in the props — while the electorate as a whole said “sure, why not” to a slew of irresponsible borrow-and-spend bond measures.

The future Republican strategy is too clear. Go after Latino and African-American church-going, married voters with church-based grass roots organizing and the same anti-intellectual moralistic rhetoric that worked with blue-collar Southerners.

So we’re surrounded by voters with no sense of financial responsibility. On one side of the political spectrum are power-hungry people pleasers with no economic sense hoping to get a warm fuzzy feeling by giving away other people’s money. On the other side of the political spectrum are judgmental religious fanatics with no real appreciation for individual rights or freedoms hoping to fix the world by establishing a theocratic state. And the public has zero interest in any third-party movement.

Any suggestions?

About Ron St. John