Great news for CARA. Bisno Development pulls out of Baldwin Park redevelopment

In March of this year we joined with President James Treasure and Secretary Cruz Baca-Sembello of the Community Alliance for Redevelopment Acountability, CARA, to support their fight in Baldwin Park to protect their private property against the redevelopment agency’s eminent domain bulldozers when they had no desire to sell.

Our group supporting the local “grass roots” effort included representatives of the National Foundation of Independent Business with a presentation by their executive director John Kapateck. Other speakers were Jeff Rowes, staff attorney of the Institute for Justice and Marko Milikotin, president California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights. In the audience were members of our MORR/CURE groups.

Sometimes good results from bad news. In this case with the current recession, and based on the media focus on the potential victims of the redevelopment plan, Bisno Development Co has decided to cut their losses and walk away from the multi million dollar planned project. What timing. At last nights Information Exposition meeting of the Residents Voice grass roots activists in Laguna Woods Village I presented an update on eminent domain and mentioned this open project in LA.

In the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement between the Community Devleopment Commission of the city of Baldwin Park and Bisno Development Co. it reads in part that this project area calls for the redevelopment of the Central Business District and Sierra Vista Project areas containing 125 acres with 330 parcels.
On page 2 of the Agreement it reads:

“The Parties acknowledge the assembly of the Project Site for the Proposed Development may require Commission participation and assistance. However, it is understood and agreed that nothing in this ENA shall obligate or be deemed to obligate Commission to commence any action or actions, including, but not limited to, eminent domain proceedings, for voluntary or involuntary acquisition of real or personal property, or any interest therein.”

To read the latest project status simply click on the following story link from the Whittier Daily News.

Larry Gilbert, member Castle Coalition and OC Co-Director CURE

About Larry Gilbert