While each of us can celebrate some victories as well as feeling down over individual losses, there is a major ballot measure that is still very close.
Following now reflects the 4:00 p.m. Nov 5 updated totals with the YES moving further ahead.
Prop 8. “only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California” is leading statewide with 5,387,939 YES votes (52.5%) to 4,883,460 NO votes (47.5%)
The Sec of State web site reports 100 percent of the precincts having being counted as of 4 p.m. November 5th.
While I personally feel very good about this ballot measure status, I will need to await the final count whenever it is reported.
I am also celebrating a grass roots victory in Mission Viejo which has consumed much of my typical Orange Juice blogging hours
So we voted for pot, abortion rights, an end to affirmative action, and standards of marriage. If the gay community wants to take this issue up again, let them put up a measure that represents EVERYBODY. That is the ONLY way you will win.
Lisa Leff, Associated Press Writer – 22 mins ago
LOS ANGELES – In an election otherwise full of liberal triumphs, the gay rights movement suffered a stunning defeat as California voters approved a ban on same-sex marriages that overrides a recent court decision legalizing them.
The constitutional amendment — widely seen as the most momentous of the nation’s 153 ballot measures — will limit marriage to heterosexual couples, the first time such a vote has taken place in a state where gay unions are legal.
In California, with 95 percent of precincts reporting Wednesday, the ban had 5,125,752 votes, or 52 percent, while there were 4,725,313 votes, or 48 percent, opposed.
The marijuana reform movement won two prized victories, with Massachusetts voters decriminalizing possession of small amounts of the drug and Michigan joining 12 other states in allowing use of pot for medical purposes.
Elsewhere, voters in Colorado and South Dakota rejected measures that could have led to sweeping bans of abortion, and Washington became only the second state — after Oregon — to offer terminally ill people the option of physician-assisted suicide.
Nebraska voters, meanwhile, approved a ban on race- and gender-based affirmative action, similar to measures previously approved in California, Michigan and Washington. Returns in Colorado on a similar measure were too close to call.
I am so sad you feel good about Prop 8 passing. This marks the first time in the history of the US that a civil right, granted by the courts has resulted in a constitutional amendment to remove that right. What would be the reaction if this was a referendum on desegregation? Next time you talk to one of your gay friends or relatives recognize yourself for the bigot and hypocrit that you are.
Well said, anon.
I am so disappointed there is such soulessness and paucity of Christian spirit (seems like that ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ concept is subject to all kinds of situational contingencies) among my fellow Californian citizens. I am also disappointed I so severely underestimated the fear, ignorance and bigotry that still exists in our great state. Shame on me for not contributing money to the anti-8 campaign, for not putting a sign on my lawn, and for not joining the dedicated women and men who stood in the rain on street corners this past weekend.
I am thrilled about Barack Obama, but this proposition passing really quelled my enthusiasm about the content of our collective character (including mine!)
Longboobs – This short vid may help you with your self flagellation.
Aww Junior, is that Little Dick Syndrome acting up again???
Okay, that was a SEMI-amusing video. Definitely better than the Barack cartoon; not as good as your crow recipes! Keep trying, one of these days I’m gonna LOL!!!!
Gonna go flagellate some more. Hmmmmm…….why does that sound so … nasty????
Anon, Larry has no gay friends. He claims he met a gay person “once,” at a Drinking Liberally, sounds like it was Chris or Bill or Andrew from the LOC. Larry’s the old guy yelling at you to get off his lawn. How in the hell he ever got a majority of Californians to vote with him I’m still trying to figure out. Oh well, progress from 60%-40% six years ago, I guess…