Update:Prop 8, definition of marriage leading 52.5% YES to 47.5% NO

While each of us can celebrate some victories as well as feeling down over individual losses, there is a major ballot measure that is still very close.

Following now reflects the 4:00 p.m. Nov 5 updated totals with the YES moving further ahead.

Prop 8. “only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized  in California” is leading statewide with 5,387,939 YES votes (52.5%) to 4,883,460 NO votes (47.5%)

The Sec of State web site reports 100 percent of the precincts having being counted as of 4 p.m. November 5th.

While I personally feel very good about this ballot measure status, I will need to await the final count whenever it is reported.

I am also celebrating a grass roots victory in Mission Viejo which has consumed much of my typical Orange Juice blogging hours

About Larry Gilbert