(Picture courtesy of the L.A. Times.)
Prop. 8 protesters are stopping traffic and causing trouble all over Southern California – and they are NOT helping their cause. No one opposed Prop. 8 more than I did – but the fight is over. We lost. Now this needs to be settled by the courts or we need to launch another initiative to reverse Prop. 8.
In the meantime the bitter truth is that Democrats passed Prop. 8. Many black and Latino voters went along with their Republican counterparts and sunk the dreams and aspirations of the GLBT community. And Barack Obama himself did not help much in this battle.
Protesting does nothing except anger the rest of the public and inconvenience thousands. Not good! It is time to suck it up and move on. These demonstrations are only going to backfire. Just like the Gavin Newsom comments in the Yes on 8 ad below.
The GLBT community needs to show everyone else that they are law-abiding, decent people. Going nuts in the streets doesn’t cut it. Go home folks. This battle is over. We lost. And Democrats were the ones who put Prop. 8 over the top. That is the bitter pill you need to swallow. Remember that the California Libertarian paryt firmly opposed Prop. 8. I doubt you will find ten California Libertarians who voted for this proposition.
CTA opposes prop 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecmfQD4EX7k
Teachers teach the importance of equal rights for all: http://www.gayagenda.com/2008/10/cta-donates-1-million-to-fight-prop-8/
Mormon lawyers weigh in: SACRAMENTO, Calif. — On the day that the Proposition 8 campaign released a new television ad repeating for the third time a charge that has been exposed as untrue, the NO on Prop 8 campaign challenged the Prop. 8 campaign to end its campaign of deception. Opponents of Prop. 8 said that the new ad is clearly false — citing an analysis by a respected Mormon scholar finding that the claims included in Prop. 8 ads are completely “untrue” and “misleading.” Morris A. Thurston, a professor at Brigham Young University law school, confirms what others have been saying for weeks — that the advertising claims that the measure would affect teaching or schools are “untrue” and “misleading,” and that nothing in Prop. 8 would affect California schools. Please see Thurston memo: http://www.noonprop8.com/
Click the above link for Jack O’Connell, Ca. Super Of Schools message – he calls those ads “despicable”.
I think this commercial is easy to understand, and basically reflects CTA’s stance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUlQPnUUGU0&eurl=http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewthread/2994/P125/#76882
This is a new political landscape, so we rely on sites like http://www.factcheck.org/ and http://www.snopes.com/ to sort thru the BS, Fear, Lying and other political tactics that are used against us voters.
Lastly, an important question to ask. What happens if gayness is NOT a choice, but something that occurs biologically? Would that sway you to treat gay people with more compassion and acceptance? There are medical breakthroughs that are starting to point to that variation in biology: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7689007.stm
I am glad the bigoted churches are showing who they really are. I am looking forward to gays and gay supporters and others who view bigotry as WRONG leaving those churches and finding alternative places of worship.
This proposition has been excellent PR and I expect the backlash to continue.
Polygamists and pedophiles are opposed to two adults who love each other might get a chance to marry. This attempt to control others will fail.
Red. Obviously we are going no where with these exchanges. I might also suggest you check out Jack O’Connell whom you reference above.
We will simply agree to disagree.
And let me close with the following from the very liberal Sunday edition of the LA Times. The headine on Page B-3 reads: “Odds are against Prop 8 reversal.”
This is turning into another SAUSD thread – long and never ending.
Red Vixen your comments here are great. I think its interesting that Larry chose to ‘agree to disagree’ when you had him beaten in the argument. ‘The better part of valor’ Larry?
The most interesting thing about this to me is how those who want to discriminate develop such nuanced rationales for their position such as gay being a choice (while black, brown, disabled or female is not) therefore its ok to treat them differently. Lots of differences are acknowledged without the result of differing treatment so it seems like a lame argument to me. Otherwise we could start discriminating if the curtains don’t match the drapes. Hey, its a choice!
My concern is that this ‘amendment’ to the CA constitution places discrimination clearly in the constitution so now all future challenges concerning discrimination (racial, gender, disability, sexual orientation, etc) will have to be decided on the basis of both the discrimination and non-discrimination clauses of the constitution. The document is read as a whole and applied as a whole. I worry now that if the wrong people get control of the country massive discrimination could become acceptable.
Looks like someone may be headed to the back of the bus again! Who will it be? Will they have a problem with all the gay people already there? Too bad.
I think there should be a boycotts on all Mormons investments and holdings, example their supermarkets ( Smith & Albertsons ) Get the Mormon church where it hurts them $$$$$$! Find out their investments and start to boycotts. I Voted No on prop No. 8 and I am not gay. Everyone on earth deserve to be happy, we are here for such a short time. Who cares on a different life style? Live your own life and respect others!