Remember….He beat Hillary & Bill!!!

This blog has been a fun place to meet and greet a variety of self flaggelating, overbearing nerd cakes!  If you take a look at various viewpoints on the Statewide Propositions…you can finally get a pretty good idea of just how unintouch some of our prime time blog birds are in the grand mix of things!   No on Proposition 1A?  We think not!  NO on Prop. #2?  We certainly think not!

But the real issue of course is not a grand list of soon to be Judicially overturned voted for Propositions.  No, this election is about the Presidency of the United States!  It might also be about throwing out incumbents in every category…that have failed their constituents.  These are noble ideals and whatever occurs on Tuesday… will still require our prayers and our constant vigilance to follow through and carefully assist as best we can those that are elected.

The various Sunday pundits…and Sunday Commentators….and Sunday Dream Sheet artists….all have made their various predictions!  In the meantime, the results on Tuesday are going to bring a final reality that will create a lot of egg for plenty of someone’s faces!  They can’t all be can they?  Newsmax, Fox News, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity all seem to think that the McCain-Palin ticket is going to win as they come from behind.  MSNBC, CNBC and CNN all seem to think that Obama-Biden will be the winners!  Fred Thompson likes McCain….and John Kerry – Obama!

We offer this for your consideration:  Obama beat Hillary & Bill.  Could McCain-Palin Beat Hillary and Bill?  Never!  Is the “Bradley Factor” going to be a determining issue in this election?  Will people vote for the Black guy?  Or will their cultural, generational or institutional racism prevent them from making their decision solely based on the “content of the candidate’s character!”?  Will “mean spirited, greedy, uncaring and desparate portions of our society”…..blot out the longing for truth and clarity?

The rational decisions to be made on Tuesday….will not be made by those that are uninformed.  We all know that both parties are paid off show horses for an elite group of financial investors!  We all know, that unless we vote out these slime and get some new slime into the process….that nothing much will change….EVER!  We all know that we need to let “electeds” know that the historic voter turnout in 2008…may not be going away.  We all know that we need to let “the electeds” get a grip on the fact that financial Bail Outs for Wall Street are unacceptable!  We need to let our “electeds” know that unless they respond to our inquiries and get answers….they will pay a serious price….being one that is not less than “their job”!

Obama-Biden will win because the time has come.  Obama-Biden will win because “the days of mean” are over!  Obama-Biden will win because the future of the United States will be one of coming together….not dividing!  Obama-Biden will win….because all the of so-called partisan issues are all theatrical performances, all designed to be nothing more than a Vegas Magic Act…..this time…….without the White Tigers!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.