The Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) has scheduled yet another budget crisis meeting for tonight, at 6 p.m, at their headquarters, located at 1601 E. Chestnut Ave., in Santa Ana. I am not sure what sort of attendance they expect to get at this late hour, with all this rain. However they have to figure out a way to trim another $46 million from their budget. Maybe this was not a good time to remodel their offices?
Mistrial on Judge Ferguson case. 11-1 in favor of conviction.
Thanks art for posating this info
Your On It…
Thanks for alerting the public about this special meeting. It’s amazing how many special meetings are called so close to holidays.
If I were pessemistic by nature I’d think the supt, her cabinet and the BoE, were trying to do their business while the community is all caught up with Christmas. Nah, they wouldn’t, would they?
I think were OK remember Mr. Lopez just got a new title and a $20,000.00 dollar raise with it. HA HA HA.
and the start of construction started up again in the district offices(check out school police) it has grown from its corner office and expanded 3 or 4 more shops, but yet it just a remodel.
What happened at the meeting LAST week? No word in the REG, no news from the Union bosses…
Anon #3
I assume you are the same Anon that said school police was expanding all over the place, but on the SAUSD corruption thread someone called Another Anon says they only took over the next shop area and added a few offices. Since I don’t know the truth or who to believe please jump over to the bottom of the corruption thread and explain the conflict of information.
Last I’ve heard: School administrators will go to a 10 month schedule (and still have the same amount of work to do) and summer school is canceled. Grades 1-3 will definitely lose 20-1 funding and that will cut a lot of teachers. These are just the items that are in the “very likely” scenario. More to come.
Rintrah, Nothing happened at last Thursday’s meeting. It was a little bizarre. Board members (w/o) Noji and a few district admins sat at tables arranged facing one another in the round. About 20 in the audience sat in chair around them. Dr. Olsky described the CSR (class size reduction for all K-3 classes)program and and QEIA funded class size reduction (14 schools only), with a continual big smile, like an airline stewardess. There was light-hearted banter and friendly chuckles from the board members and admins, while the surrounding audience watched grim-faced, like an audience at a very bad movie. There was a little bit of discussion of how much each program cost the district general fund, and pros/cons of keeping or eliminating these programs. No vote, no decisions announced, and the meeting ended about 8 pm.