BNN now ranking Red County sites individually

I noticed today that Blognetnews (BNN) is no longer ranking the various Red County sites as one site – it’s about time!  Now each Red County website is being ranked individually.  That is not good news for any of the 38 Red County sites.  None of them are now ranked in the BNN Top 20 “California Most Influential Political Blogs” list!

Inexplicably the Liberal OC blog is ranked #2 by BNN this week.  But let’s take a look at their own Sitemeter data: the Liberal OC has had 4.065 visits to their blog this week and 6,706 page views.  By comparison, the Orange Juice blog has had 6,854 visits this week and 15,660 page views, according to Sitemeter!

You want a second opinion?  OK – let’s see what Alexa, the number one website traffic ranking service in the world, has to say.  This week Alexa is ranking the Liberal OC blog at 439,183, while the Orange Juice blog is ranked 203,413.  The 38 Red County sites are ranked together at 249,771.  That’s right – our one Orange Juice blog is trumping a combined 38 Red County blogs!  Talk about David beating Goliath…

But never mind site visits, the page views tell the real story.  Orange Juice readers, on average, read 4.6 Orange Juice articles each week, currently and over 9 stories per week over the last three months, according to Alexa.  Red County’s readers read only 1.9 articles per week and only 1.7 articles per week over the last three months!  The Liberal OC has similar numbers.  Their readers read 1.7 articles per week.

Why is the Orange Juice blog such a huge success compared to the massively funded Red County and their hyper-partisan sister the Liberal OC?  I think a lot of our popularity stems from the fact that we have Orange County’s most diverse blog team.  And we have started to add more bloggers from outside of central Orange County.  I am looking to add even more in the next few weeks.  Moreover, many of our posts have an edgy quality that is absent at both our red and blue counterparts.  It isn’t easy keeping our blog going, but nothing good is easy.

Our future plans include not only adding more bloggers from all over Orange County, but also focusing on more local coverage.  Our new webmaster, Terry Crowley, is doing a great job and we are now looking to make even more changes to our blog.  I am thankful for Crowley’s help and for all the work that all of our writers do for this blog.  I also greatly appreciate our readers!  Thanks to all of you for making the Orange Juice the number one political blog in Orange County!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.