County of Orange slashes hundreds of jobs as budget crisis worsens

“Officials in cash-strapped Orange County have ordered the deepest cuts in staffing in years, saying they’ll lay off 210 social services workers and force 4,000 other employees to take two weeks off without pay.  Not since the county’s 1994 bankruptcy, when nearly 2,000 workers lost their jobs, has Orange County been in such financial straits, a result of shrinking sales tax revenue, falling property values and reduced state funding,” according to the L.A. Times.

It makes sense to make cuts in departments that are now under-funded, but I hope the Board of Supervisors is also going to slash the pay of the overpaid County managers, such as Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante, who has some kind of management job at the County.

Also, when will the County close Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s satellite office in Westminster? I mean do we really need this office given the proximity of Santa Ana to Westminster?  This office costs “$128,000 in the first year, and $117,000 per year after that. It is staffed with existing employees from the county’s healthcare, social services and housing agencies,” according to the L.A. Times.

I don’t think that the idea floated by the head of the Orange County Employees Association,  Nick Berardino’s, to give all county workers a week off without pay will work.  Some of those county workers are needed at all times, and can only take time off when doing so on a scheduled basis.  Moreover, this proposal doesn’t resolve the base issue – some state funding is now gone, and the departments that received that funding now have to make cuts, period.

I do think that the Supervisors and the County Managers need to tighten their belts too.  Maybe they can return some of that fancy furniture they bought last year?  Maybe we can downsize their staff and take away their car allowances?  Fair is fair.  If the workers have to pay a price, so should the bigwigs.

Berardino is “pressing to have executive management car allowances eliminated, along with calling on all department heads, managers and elected officials to pay for their own pensions. He also wants 401-k plans that are offered to elected officials and managers to be eliminated and is calling on managers to forgo a 5 percent raise planned for early next year,” according to the O.C. Register.  Those are all good ideas.

Here is another thought – perhaps all the union workers who were not laid off should each collect ten percent of their pay this month and donate it to their brothers and sisters who were just laid off?  I would challenge the Supervisors and County managers to do the same.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.