The Princess has declared her right to the New York Senate Seat vacated by Hillary Clinton. Caroline Kennedy has no experience, has given New Yorkers no notion of the evolution of her views, if there is any, and hardly deigns to answer a single question.
Up until yesterday, she hasn’t been able to answer a single question on her viability. Following in the footsteps of our new Secretary of State, she has gone on a “listening tour”. That’s where you listen, and say you’re listening, and talk about listening.
The only answer Princess Caroline had before yesterday was she was answering no questions because she was “following the process the governor set out.” Calls to the governors office by AP or other news agencies could get no confirmation of this “process”.
Following her appearance in Buffalo, she finally deigned to take three (3) questions from reporters. Her answer to her experience was: “I’ve worked in New York City public schools. I’ve written books on the Constitution, I’ve raised my family, and now it’s time, I think, with the problems we have, for me to be able to step forward and do more.”
Let me get this straight: worked in public schools, written a book, raised a family. And that makes you qualified? Sounds like a lot like Sarah Palin to me, but with a lot less merit and a lot less experience.
I can hear the “Ooohs” and “Aaaahs” already though at the thought of a Kennedy in that Senate seat, from people who live in perpetual eclipse their nose is so high in the air. It’s all different when the last name is Kennedy and the education is paid for from a trust fund.
I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with anything Mr. Crowley has said, but I tend to side with him on this one. Just because you’re a Kennedy doesn’t mean you’re qualified for this seat. And her real-world experience IS rather thin.
In EXACTLY the same way that Sarah Palin’s experience rendered her unqualified to be Vice President, and potentially, President, of the United States.
That said, there’s really no need to call Ms. Kennedy a Princess. The Kennedy family HAS sacrificed for this country and served it well.
She does not seem impressive when you hear her speak. I guess the first things either party looks for when picking a candidate (who’ll have to run for re-election soon) is fundraising ability and name recognition, both of which put her head & shoulders over other candidates most of us would consider more qualified.
(Though of course with poor bitter Terry, this is just a “Democrat” thing.)
Reminds me of that gal from Alaska – whoseit’s that ran for VP.
I think it’s time to rethink this country’s fascination with political dynasties .. Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, Dodd, Brown . . .
Let’s bring some fresh bloodlines to the U.S. Senate seat in New York and other elected offices.
Afterall Obama did run on the CHANGE platform.
Today’s news reports Caroline has not voted in all elections. A supporter of hers defended her claiming she’s a busy mother and they were insignificant elections. UH? I’m a working mom and I have NEVER missed voting in any election.
Time will tell if she has the thick skin to withstand the harsh realities of politics.
Today’s news reports Caroline has not voted in all elections….
In Princess’ defense, all but one of those were NYC mayoral primaries. (though I stand by my earlier comment)