Do termed out California legislators ever really go away? “Former Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez has taken a lucrative seat on the board of directors for a workers’ compensation insurer after helping broker a 2004 deal that benefited the industry,” according to the Sacramento Bee.
Nunez will likely be paid over $90,000 to serve on the board of Zenith Insurance. But when a reporter asked him how much he would be paid, he replied, “If board members get compensated, then I would be compensated, as well.” What a slimy guy this Nunez is!
“With Núñez at the helm of the Assembly in 2004, the Legislature and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger overhauled California’s workers’ compensation system.” So now Zenith is repaying the favor by hiring Nunez.
But the news is not all good for Nunez after all. “The 19-year-old son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez was arrested along with three others in Sacramento County today on suspicion of homicide in the Oct. 4 stabbing of a 22-year-old college student in San Diego,” as reported by the Sacramento Bee late yesterday.
It would appear that Nunez has not shown his son how to be legally crooked yet.
Since the man has term limited out, would should he do?
Join a monistary? Take a poverty vow? Go work day labor?
His son is a sad situation, but his son is an adult and should be treated as such.
Again, you are running without the ball.
It seems to me that Art is just pointing out another example of a politician who puts his personal interest before the interest of the public.
The article sure makes him out to be a slimeball though, the quote Art posted came after he said that he didn’t know if his new post was a paid post.
Do you think he agreed to sit on the Board without getting the details of whether he would be paid or not?
He should be totally upfront about his new job. Not say that he didn’t know if he was paid and tell the reported to “call Zenith.”
This was my favorite quote though:
“I’m in the private sector now…so I make no apologies for being on this board or any other board that might reach out to me and ask me to be a part of it.”
No Vaseline,
You may not be using Vaseline, but you do appear to be covered in blue slime.
Careful with the condemnation of his teenaged, young adult son. Boys in their teens, and even up to their mid-twenties can be notoriously stupid and prone to getting into trouble with the authorities. It can happen to good kids, too.
Hint to all parents who have young sons: Make sure they learn to be friends with the GOOD kids. The company they keep is the best indicator of whether they will get into big trouble or not. Make them join boy scouts, cotillion, tap dance, karate, etc… don’t let them be one of the bad boys. Just saying ~
Red Vixen,
Very true. This is a very tragic story. Too often politics takes men away from their families, and the kids pay the price…
Why should he be upfront about it? Is he running for office? Did he take a payoff while he was there? Should he go on public assistance?
I most certainly am not covered in blue slime. Nunez isn’t my boy by a longshot. But the man has a right to go to work, same as your or me.
My uncle used to be the DA in a Central California county for two terms. When he lost his third election, he went back to private practice. Should he be scrutinized? Certainly hes using his knowlege of local judges for the benifit of his clients…………
You are painting with too broad a brush.
FWIW I think they royally screwed anyone who takes Workmans Comp (employee) but they had to do something because they were burying many employers. Before they reworked it, almost everyone stopped writing W.C. coverage because they conldn’t control costs.
Anyway, it’s a good warm up for what is going to come next in the CA state budget. Less services. Get used to it.
Lets put this very simple Fabian Nunez and greedy little friends have screwed California for years with no regard for the people. It seems his son has learned this behavior from his father no regard for people. The only reason his son is trouble is because his father is to busy paying attention to being corrupt and not paying attention to his family. So therefore the apple does not fall far from the tree. Good luck to fabian he gonna need it!!
Fabian needs to work! Gonna have a nice legal bill coming soon for his son mistake.
That’s if he does’nt have law firm out there ready to give his son free services in return for some dirty favor he gave them years ago. I would not doubt it. The ultimate slimeball!
Politics may take time from your family. However that is poor excuse. People in this country work hard every day and manage there families aswell.