Republicans Strike Back! Georgia denies Democrats Blank Check!
More importantly, in the first political challenge of our new leader-in-waiting, he didnt even show up for the fight! I wonder what seasoned dictators will do to our new messiah-in-chief.
With 70 percent of the precincts reporting, Chambliss captured 60 percent to Martin’s 40 percent. Chambliss’ win is a rare bright spot for Republicans in a year where they lost the White House as well as seats in the House and the Senate.
“It’s been a hard and tough four weeks,” Chambliss said at a victory party in Cobb County. “We had a hardcore campaign on both sides and while things look good right now, we’re going to continue to follow the returns as they come in.”
Chambliss’ mantra on the runoff campaign trail was simple: His re-election was critical to prevent Democrats in Washington from having a blank check. Chambliss, 65, had angered some conservatives with his vote for the $700 billion bailout of the financial services industry and his early support in 2007 for the guest worker provision in President Bush’s immigration bill. But fearful of unchecked Democratic dominance, some came back into the GOP fold Tuesday
Martin made the economy the centerpiece of his bid, casting himself as a champion for the neglected middle class. He also linked himself at every opportunity to Barack Obama and his message of change. The Democratic president elect was a no show on the campaign trail in Georgia but did record a radio ad and automated phone calls for Martin.
“More importantly, in the first political challenge of our new leader-in-waiting, he didnt even show up for the fight!”
And if he had, you would have been all over him for taking time away from the economic crisis and the transition. With partisan hacks such as yourself, one just can’t win.
Get a grip. And seek therapy.
President-elect Obama’s decision to steer clear of this GA battle was merely political. Most pundits called a Chambliss victory early on. If Obama had stumped for Martin, the stink of the loss would have been slapped on Obama. No newly elected President needs that bad wrap. That’s Politics 101.
On the other hand, Gov. Palin is being credited with helping hoist Chambliss over the victory line. The GOP’s gesture to call in Palin makes for good political chit chat this morning.
So, who will Gov. Patterson appoint to replace Sen. Clinton? And will it be a Kennedy?