The shadow has discussed with some friends the scene of Jesse Jackson crying on Election night in Grant Park in Chicago. My more cynical friend said that Jackson was crying because he was losing to stature to the next generation. The Shadow who has taken the cynical view in some recent posts disagrees with their friend’s point of view. I think that Jesse Jackson was crying tears of joy in celebration of what he has struggled to achieve all of his life. I don’t think I can understate what an important moment in history Barack Obama’s election was to the country and how poignant it was to see Reverend Jackson on Election night. — The OC Shadow —
Is Zelensky an American asset??
I am sure there were lots of thoughts and emotions for Jesse. This was a big moment for so many reasons.
And maybe he was also envisioning his son taking Barack Obama’s seat as an appointed Senator.
I think this goes way beyond cynical to suggest that his tears were anything other than joy. Tell your cynical friend that Jesse was far from the only one with tears in their eyes that night.
Too bad your friend will never know those positive emotions, I hear cynicism has a way of eating you from the inside and sucking all the joy from your life.
Red Vixen said: “And maybe he was also envisioning his son taking Barack Obama’s seat as an appointed Senator.”
Depends on if Jessie Jr. is willing to “pay to play” in Blago’s government for sale game. Oh wait – that game is over.
Not so fast Junior…
ABC News is reporting that Rep. Jesse Jackson is “Senate Candidate 5”. The report is attributed to “federal law enforcement sources.”
The charging documents in the Rod Blagojevich case quote the governor telling an aide that an “emissary” from Candidate 5 contacted him and proposed a “pay to play” arrangement in regard to the US Senate seat left open by Barack Obama, which Blagojevich has the authority to fill.
The governor also says he thinks he might be able to get something “tangible, up front” from Candidate 5 in return for the appointment.
Jackson Jr. said this morning he was contacted by federal prosecutors who “asked me to come and share with them my insights and thoughts about the selection process.”
Asked whether he was Candidate 5, Jackson Jr. said “I don’t know,” but added that he had been told he was not a target of the investigation.
We suggested yesterday that Jackson Jr. might be Candidate 5.
Now THAT would make me sad – I like Jesse’s son.
I think Jesse was thinking “It should have been me!”
I prefer the image of the “Reverend Jackson” as he relates a medical procedure that he would like to perform on the President Elect.
Wow. Mark Sussman and Ed Velasquez having a conversation about Jesse Jackson. Fascinating…