A lot of us are hurting right now, but one family in Santa Ana in particular could really use our help. Elida Diaz is struggling with cancer. Right now she is in critical condition at St. Joseph’s Hospital, in Orange.
Here are some details courtesy of our friend Beatriz Fernandez: Elida was born in Nayarit, Mexico. Elida, her husband and their two kids live in an apartment on Grand (and Fruit). Abraham is 11 yrs. old and Stephanie is going to be 15. Stephanie is autistic.
Elida and Jose Luis have always been active in their children’s’ lives. Abraham and Stephanie are students at Dr. Ana Jimenez’s Therapeutic Center on Broadway and Buffallo. The center helped organize a quinceanera for Stephanie which made both Stephanie and Elida very happy.
Stephanie sang a song on the radio last night and I broke out in tears. It was called “Zapatitos de Navidad.” The songs talks about those kids that are less fortunate. I invited Stephanie (on behalf of my friends Beth Martinez) to sing at LULAC’s Christmas for the kids event which will take place on December 13th at Lou Correa’s office building. LULAC donated toys to our church kids last year so that is why I’m going to help this year.
Stephanie goes to chemotherapy every week I believe but she is at her worst. Regardless of her pain, she tries to show that she is strong and happy so that her kids can not see her pain.
We are going to organize a Qermes to help raise funds with all the medical costs. I will send an email to my contacts to see if anyone wants to donate money via the bank account, buy her a plate of food (salads) or donate food for the fundraiser (Qermes) where we will have a great variety of foods like tamales, mole, taquitos, etc. Elida loves tamales but unfortunately, she can’t eat that right now.
Her family is seeking donations, which can be made at Wells Fargo Bank, to account number 137-915-3271. If you have any questions, you may call Elida’s sister, Leonor Perez Flores at (714) 835-9624. Any help will be appreciated.
This is really touching story Art. I am so sorry to hear about Elida’s condition. My prayers are with her and her precious family.
Last year we sent 10 boxes of items to our troops as part of our Christmas season. We were planning on doing that again, however, the conditions here, at home, have really been such a stunning concern. It is hard to determine where to send our resources when the needs are so high right now at home and abroad. Thanks for the story, Art.
A spec ed teacher at Willard, who had Stephanie as a student, recently held a schoolwide fundrasiser for this family. The family was most appreciative.
This is heartbreaking. My prayers are with the family.
We donated several boxes of colorful and cartoon band aids last night here is why….
One of the little cancer patients, Maxime Mobayen, age 7, is collecting fun, colorful band aids for children at CHOC. He said “I want to collect band aids for all of the children who get stuck a lot. Because it doesn’t hurt so much with a fun band aid to look at.” Maxime has brain and spinal cancer and is undergoing treatment himself.
Sometimes it really just take a little to help brighten the lives of those suffering or just simply less fortunate. Keep us updated Art on this story if you can.
Also Duracell has a campaign going right now to help children’s hospitals. Go to http://www.duracell.com their smile campaign is going. You post a picture of a smile on their site and for every picture posted Duracell donates $1 to children’s hospitals across the Unites States. Sometime we can’t all afford to donate toys or money but Duracell will do it for you for just a smile. I did it I hope everyone has at least a smile to give.
Thank you for supporting your friend and community member, Elida. May she have a warm and exceptional holiday.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
Art, Thank you for posting this story. When my friend Sem Diaz, co host of America Nuestra Casa (laradiomundolatino.com) introduced me to the family, my heart was broken… As I mentioned to you earlier, I wish there were more people like you who really care about the people. While I live in another city, I still care for the Santa Ana community as I was raised there.
Thanks again Art,
As I read this sad story, I could not help thinking of Art’s earlier post on quotes, the RR one about being “from the Govt.”, does anyone think that in France or England or in Canada that families have to depend on charity to pay for medical care?
or any other country
Count us in Art.