Hat Tip to MSNBC and Chris Prevatt at Liberal OC for first posting the video of an Iraqi journalist throwing a shoe at President Bush. Apparently it is a great insult in Iraq to throw a shoe at someone. If you were allowed to throw shoes at a politico who would you throw them at?
A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
“This is a gift from the Iraqis. This is the farewell kiss, you dog,” the journalist shouted (in Arabic), Steven Lee Myers of The New York Times reported in a pool report to the White House press corps.
Myers reported that the man threw the second shoe and added: “This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq.”
The president was at no point injured and he brushed off the incident.”
“All I can report is it is a size 10,” Bush quipped
Richard Bruce Cheney, the real power behind the throne.
Come up with that cleverness sitting on the throne, Nelson?
OC Shadow,
What fun! You bet I would be tossing shoes at “Team Pulido!”
W still has some moves – he ducked them shoes pretty dang good.
I think Mike Corona deserves a shoe thrown at him.
Blago – that man is a disgrace.
Pulido and his team are the winners of trowing shoes to them.
this is a huge sybol in the Middle East.
Similar to spitting or flipping off in the West.
It is a rare glimpse of reality in Iraq.
I would throw a large Pair of stilettos at Claudia Alvarez Face. She’s like a door mat EVERY ONE has step on .
Oh, I think that Iraqi journalist was right on the mark, I’m only sorry he missed. Bush was there to take a “victory lap”, after all the needless DEATH and DESTRUCTION he has brought to the Iraqi people he DESERVES far worse than shoes being thrown at him. My new Christmas wish; that everywhere Bush, Cheney, Rummy and Rice go in this world, ordinary people take off their dirty, stinking shoes and hurl them at their heads.
it is the best gift of world to Mr. Bush when he step down
The boxing guru Don King was so impressed with Bush’s shoe evasion tactics over the weekend, that he gave a statement to TMZ saying, “Bush has unbelievable reflexes … he can stick and move like a boxer!”
Austin Powers said it best.
The Prez was “agile, mobile and hostile”! Face it ….George has the moves! Bill Clinton would have been layed out…..Reagan would have caught
both shoes…and told everyone they were too small!
Bill Clinton would have had ladies’ lingerie thrown at him from all the other “women”. Jimmy Carter-peanuts and teeth whitener.
Rick Warren.
Pretty soon, Obama. (speaking of Rick Warren)
Who would you throw a shoe at? Pick your target, pick your shoe and throw! OneShoeTwoShoe.com