Be sure to click the “Read More” link below in order to vote for YOUR pick to be California’s next Governor!
“California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown asked the state Supreme Court on Friday to invalidate the voter-approved ban on gay marriage, declaring that “the amendment process cannot be used to extinguish fundamental constitutional rights without compelling justification,” according to the L.A. Times.
I think Brown’s stance is awesome, but how will this affect his gubernatorial prospects? I think Gavin Newsom is already toast. And L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa really damaged himself when he dumped his wife. So does Brown have an edge on them? Or not?
What about the Republicans? So far Tom Campbell and Steve Poizner are in, but I don’t see the Republicans winning in 2010. Schwarzenegger might well be the last Republican Governor in California in our lifetimes.
I have never been a fan of Brown, but I have a lot more respect for him today. His stance against Prop. 8 is a brave one. I hope he prevails.
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I have to refrain from voting.
I lived through Jerry Brown as Governor once. Governor “Moonbeam” has quite a record of flip flopping to whichever way the tide is flowing. His most recent change has been Prop. 8 as attorney general. At first he defended it and now is fighting it. He never could make up his mind.
The problem with Moonbeam as we never knew what he was going to do from day to day. He was consistent at being inconsistent. He has run for about everything he can run for including president a couple of times. He gave Clinton a pretty good run but lost there too.
As to the rest of the list. Geez is that all we have to choose from?
Brown has always personally opposed Prop 8; the only change now is that while he originally thought he was legally bound to defend it, he’s found a way out of that. That sounds OK to me.
I met the guy a couple weeks ago though, and am not backing him in the Dem Primary, number one because he won’t sign a single-payer bill like SB 840 if it comes to him (after all I met him while playing at a Xmas party for a pharmaceutical company) and also he doesn’t know music. [I couldn’t get his attention playing either California Uber Alles by the Dead Kennedys – which is ABOUT him – or any Linda Ronstandt hits like Blue Bayou when the most famous thing about him, which he STILL likes to brag about, is that he “went out” with her. His request – which was much more boring than anyone reading this blog – was “What’s that thing from Casablanca – you know – the play it again Sam song.”]
Brother Vern.
The “play it again Sam” is Vern’s infinite posts opposing the voter approved Proposition 8.When was that election anyway? 49 days ago!!!!!
Now you know how it feels to lose a ballot measure election. In time the pain will diminish and you will heal.
Merry Christmas,
Brother Larry
Jerry DID tell me, “One way or another, it’s gonna fail.”
HEY! Just saw the poll – why isn’t me & the Winships fave on – Johnny Garamendi, the single-payer stalwart?
*YEAH!!!!!!!!! How come?
We love the inimitable Jerry “Downtown” Brown…
as the AG…and the Lt. Gov. ……as anything
but the GOV. We do support Garamendi…unless
the Republicans can get Sarah Palin to move to
California and run for Newport-Mesa Unified School
Board! Then we could get McCain to move to Nevada and run for Governor there! We still support Garamendi. Steve Poizner has already
thrown his hat into the ring….but doesn’t have
a chance!
I thought Wendy Leecey (sp?) was Newport-Mesa’s version of Sarah Palin… ??
How about that, I agree with the Winships on Garamendi. Go John Go!!
For the Reeps how about Curt Pringle or Scott Baugh? Neither could find their way out of a wet paper bag but they are cute!
Personally “As Time Goes By” is rather fitting for Moonbeam. His time as Governor has long gone even though he found a loophole that allows him to run again.
I don’t give a flip either way about prop 8 and I’m guessing neither does moonbeam unless it’s to his political advantage. A few decades go by and his hair falls out does not make him reborn. It just makes him an old hippie.
I will admit some of his decisions as AG have surprised me as almost cerebral, but then again that is what assistant researchers are for. I wonder how many he assigned to look for a loophole in prop 8 because of all the protesting.
I’m sure he remembers protesting fondly along with his Linda Ronstandt days. He is definately not his fathers Oldsmobile!
Brown helps himself in the primary with the Prop 8 switch, which is the main contest in a blue state like California. The swing votes in Prop 8 were the church-going minorities with Democratic affinity but no interest in gay rights. They’re nototious for low turnout when Obama’s not running, and will probably not see the issue as important enough by election time to let it swing their vote to someone like Poizner who will be overwhelmed by state employee union propaganda about how he hates teachers and nurses and fire fighters.
Just for the record, Campbell was a no vote on Prop H8te.
*Campbell…the 48th District Congressman you say?
Really….a NO on 8 – on the record?