The Obama generation will rank with 1913-14, 1933-36, 1964-65 and 1981-82 as years that will permanently change our government, politics and lives. We enter his administration as free-enterprise, market-dominated, laissez-faire America. We will shortly become like Germany, France, the United Kingdom, or Sweden — a socialist democracy in which the government dominates the economy, determines private-sector priorities and offers a vastly expanded range of services to many more people at much higher taxes.
Barack Obama is out to emulate the memory of FDR. FDR was able to avert a banking and economic collapse, but at least he also had some effect on unemployment. This administration isnt even expecting to do THAT much.
What completer and utter BS. You really are one of the most clueless people who have ever blogged.
The “socialist” Germany has, for example, very powerful car companies, private enterprises that have fared much better than the American car companies.
I take a Mercedes over a Cadillac any day.
“The “socialist” Germany has, for example,” … an unemployment rate of 8.6%. Unlike our unions, theirs have stopped asking for big raises. Our UAW is really a health-care and retirement system that builds a few cars. I’d take a Mercedes, too, if it were affordable.
The original poster may be off by having Germany in his list, but he’s right on with France, the United Kingdom, or Sweden. The UK is going bankrupt. The less said about France, the better. Sweden’s unemployment rate runs around 20%. Their taxes are the second highest (Denmark is first) in Europe.
I’d also have to complain that when he complains about “not one new job”, we should realize that Obama’s trillion $$ hasn’t been released yet, and he’s only been in office 3 days. It took FDR years to really screw things up.
Already prepared to write off the Obama years?
You’re utterly ridiculous. Your post isn’t even worth serious debate.
#2: We are close to that unemployment rate here…
And, Germans usually have 6 weeks of vacation. If they would cut down on that, they would eat American companies for lunch. They shut down whole industries during summer vacation time, e.g., the car industry. And they still manage to do pretty well.
As far as the UK is concerned, well, I work in a company that has a UK-based parent company, so I don’t want to say anything about the UK. France is of course an example of unions running wild.
And of course, the Bush administration already partly nationalized the banks, so Terry really would have to blame Bush. But hell would freeze over before he would be doing that.
Crowley, I think you are right that the Obama generation will rank among those you listed (81-82 really?) I think though that the credit will go to the Neo-Cons who brought this on. While the Obama generation will mitigate the damage as much as possible the real credit, the responsibility for this worldwide economic collapse will go to Bush and the Neo-Cons.
Oh and those of us who blindly followed and didn’t blow the whistle on these ‘ponzi’ schemes bear some responsibility also. We should have been demanding that the government regulate these banks long before now. Instead they deregulated everything.
Our food safety has gone to zero too, look at that salmonella contaminated peanut butter concentrate. If we hadn’t caught that then it wouldn’t have been tested all the way into a million products and we wouldn’t have known what was causing it before many more were stricken ill. We were lucky this time.
The kids of the Obama generation will no doubt clean up this mess and a lot of us are going to be there to help them but lets not forget for a minute who brought us to this point by trusting people to do what they were supposed to do, you know, for the common good. I’m talking about the deregulationists, those same folks who protected you from raised taxes have been playing fast and loose with your safety and security it turns out.
I want to make sure that they (we) get all the credit they (we) deserve.
*We advise all the great thinkers above…..we live in a Global Economy!!! Europe by the way, bought more “Sub-Prime” “Credit Default Swaps” than we did in America! Even Switzerland! We sold those folks almost 60% of our worthless paper. Don’t be laughing too hard at their unemployment rates as high as 20%….pray that number doesn’t arrive on our door step. The main deal is that the whole world economy is now at risk and that is why we can find no floor to our Commercial and Residential Real Estate. If there was ever time to all grab hands and sing Kum-By-Ya….this is it!
Congress wrote the laws that cut the accountability and responsibility in the banking and insurance systems for a boat load of campaign dollars.
Maybe the new president will hire many new accountants and cops to hunt down all the crooks and cheats and give them justice. Along with the crooked government people who when along with the crooks.
Bush is to blame. Clinton is to blame.
The point was, LISTEN TO WHAT IS BEING SAID about what the NEW BOSS said will fix things. LOTS OF FLOWERY DIALOGUE, NO FILLING.
Terry have you checked out his website at Besides how much filling can he put in there without jeopardizing the legislative process?
ZZMike: using Germany’s unemployment rate as scare doesn’t quite work anymore. The LA Times reports that unemployment in California is higher, 9.3%:,0,5565903.story
Maybe “Old Europe” knows one or two things about the economy after all…