One of our pajaritos reported tonight that the Northgate Market at Bristol and McFadden was the scene of an attempted carjacking tonight – and possibly a stabbing as well.
There is no report of this on the O.C. Register yet. Let’s see if it shows up tomorrow.
The alleged attack occurred just a few blocks north of Santa Ana’s Mater Dei High School.
As our city explodes with violent crime and our budget deficit continues unabated, there is word that the entire Santa Ana City Council will attend President Elect Barack Obama’s Inauguration. Perhaps we should buy them some fiddles so they can play them while our city goes to Hell in a hand-basket…
Lots of criticism, but nothing you say or write changes a darn thing in this town.
Time for a new strategy.
Oh, I don’t know about that. I think we have a much bigger impact than you are willing to admit.
How many times have we made the AP wire at Ream and Pulido’s expense?
Change won’t come quickly – but we will keep pecking away at our lame City Council and city administration.
And I will be speaking about blogging again at the next California League of Cities Conference, so someone is paying attention!
Really? Would you call the Code of Ethics, which can be directly linked to the the writings on this blog, and the subsequent AP wire exposure you speak of, a positive change?
Thats why I carry my 9M Gun with me know !
#3 yes I would but not complete change, more like incremental change which is how the outside groups are usually able to effect change.
Amendment 2 – Right to Bear Arms.
Ratified 12/15/1791
Whats your point are you so afraid….?
Hmm i would like to belive in our men and woman sworn in to protect and hold the law
I dont know about you >>>>>your pants must be heavy
get rid of the police chief and city manager. dead wood.