Bloggers get ready. Strong chance that we will hold a “special ” election in 2009

Sorry folks but we will not get a respite from campaigning in 2009 even though it is an off year for traditional elections.  The following was just issued this afternoon by the office of Neal Kelley, Orange County Registrar of Voters.

Subject: Special Election Likely in Early 2009

Good Afternoon,

I hope everyone had a good New Year.  I thought I would take a moment to bring you up to speed on the possibility of an election in 2009.  The state continues its budget talks and many of their proposals would need voter approval if they get past the impasse they are currently facing.  The Legislature has floated three possible dates for a special election:  April 21st, May 19th or June 2nd.  April and May seem more likely due to the time they would need to deal with budget issues should the measures pass prior to the end of the fiscal year.

There are elections in Los Angeles on April 21st and May 19th, which make them likely.  This would also seem to indicate they would allow consolidations (although keep in mind they can write whatever they want in an election bill).  The California Association of Counties has sent a letter to the Legislature asking for enough notice so that we can prepare for the election and we at the California Association of Clerks and Election Officials will be sending one towards the end of the week.  Both letters ask the Legislature to consider conducting a special election by all-mail, but this is unlikely.

I will let you know if and when the election is called.

Neal Kelley

Registrar of Voters

County of Orange

About Larry Gilbert