(Picture Courtesy of the O.C. Register)
“Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas found himself at the defendant’s table Tuesday as a trial opened in a civil-rights lawsuit brought by a former prosecutor who alleges that Rackauckas illegally did favors for political supporters and transferred deputies who opposed him,” according to the O.C. Register.
Doesn’t OC GOP powerbroker Mike Schroeder’s wife work for Tony Rackauckas? And didn’t Mike advise the disgraced former Sheriff, Mike Carona? There you go. I have no doubt that there have been plenty of shenanigans at T-Rack’s office. Now let’s see if it can be proven in court.
Good luck to the claimants!
The allegations, by the way, “included claims that Rackauckas halted an investigation into wealthy businessman Patrick DiCarlo and didn’t pursue a possible criminal action against business developer George Argyros, owner of Arnel Management.”
Well, one thing for sure. T-Rack does not prosecute politicians – he utterly ignored Carona’s monkey business. Carona is finished, could T-Rack be next?
Hopefully T-Rack is on his way out…and he can take that hose bag Claudia Alvarez with him. Might as well take all the trash at once….
What about all the Dems who endorsed T Rack and Carona. And while we are at it, what about the new crop of RINO/DINO plants in the DPOC also known as the Jannies?
This DEM has NEVER voted for Carona, T-Rack nor Alvarez…and I couldn’t give a rats ass about the Jannies. Hell…not even the ‘smart voters’ couldn’t even get it right in the City Council and Unified School races here in Santa Ana. Oh….it wouldn’t be politics if plants don’t try to take their place…it’s only up to us to expose them for the filthy scumbags they are.
Oh..and the name is Keoniana
I’ve attended many a supervisor meetings on DNA testing more money for laboratories meetings with interpol with Sheriff Corona and his side kick T-Rack. With the Joyful Child Foundation, and T-Rack’s foundation for juveniles on probation. A meeting for Grand Jury and where they are trained. Hell, I think the indictments are moving down the wire. Let’s see what Corona had to say about T-Rack that saved his ass. I believe they were all about racking up the dollars for their personal non-profit organizations. Why put a stop to crime when it is such a big money making business, non taxable organizations. I wonder how much money they are paid to sit on those boards? How much of public money was diverted to these organizations, through the court systems? T-Rack you can run but you can’t hide.
T-Rack better watch out, bad boy bad boy what ya gonna do what ya gonna do when they come for you!
As reported in the Register Article Mr Corona stated it was a miracle. “an absolute miracle” and said he felt “beyond vindicated” by the jury’s decision.”
Tells me that he’s telling on T-Rack. He should have spoken up when he had a chance, I wonder how many more heads are going to fall?
Maybe Claudia’s, Chief Walters, Pulido’s, a few Supervisors, All the intrigue and conspiracy, sure would make a good book. Who knows only time and Corona will tell!
The photo could be titled “successsion planning by the deal makers”.
Santa Ana Police Chief Paul Walters is next in the line of corrupt public officials in the OC. He and his corrupt side kick Cousine will feel the wrath.