Karl Rove is claiming that George W. Bush has read 91 books over the last two years, while in office. This revelation comes in a recent Wall Street Journal article by Rove. Is there ANYONE out there that thinks that Bush has read a little better than one book a week, this past year as Rove insists? Anyone? Anyone? To me, this looks like a preemptive attempt at rewriting GW Bush’s presidential legacy. In other news, ex- president, Pappy Bush 41, thinks that his other son, Jeb, would be an outstanding POTUS. OY!! Stop the Madness!
ONLY 15 more days until the Bush Nightmare comes to an end. 2009 – What took you so long to get here?
Do comic books count?
Do comic books count?
Hehe, David. Remember, Comic books actually require some reading!
The fact that Karl Rove was not able to publish a list of the bulk of what Bush had supposedly read was confirmation that Rove continues to be a liar for this particular presidency.
Serious skepticism here regarding Rove’s claims.
Sure! And I bet some of those books were of the pop-up and scratch n’sniff variety…I heard they included:
“Jesus takes a ride on a Brontosaurus,” by Rick Warren.
“I like the Brown kids the best,” by George H. Bush.
“I am taller than Jose Solorio,” by Newt Gingrich.
and, “Loretta stole my Congressional seat!” by “B-1” Bob Dornan.
Funny Art!
I wonder if re-reading “My Pet Goat” 33 times counts in the final book tally?
He probably read the Cliff Notes…
From the article: “Each year, the president also read the Bible from cover to cover”
He should have read Darwin’s “The Origin of Species”. Would have given him much more insight. But it is obviously to advanced for him.
This reminds me of something that happened to me while I was in the Army. I don’t remember why but for some reason I was able to attend a question and answer session with the Sergeant Major of the Army. The highest ranking Enlisted person in the Army. I was so excited to be there. Of course I was like 19 and I had not yet been exposed to real politics. That basically every group will ask the same 8 or 9 questions and they have a canned response for everything.
In any event during one question someone had made a reference to “fuzzy math.” This was the summer of 2000 so everyone who was following any of the Presidential Debates knew what “fuzzy math” was. It was Governor Bush’s big zinger on Gore.
Everyone except the Sergeant Major of the Army at the time that is…
He had no clue what the guy was talking about. That’s when I first realized that the people in charge only appear to be smarter than the rest of us…the first inkling if you will that the emperor wore no clothes.
It was when I first started paying attention to the man behind the drawn curtain.
So no I don’t believe that President Bush read 91 books in the last two years. Who has time to read that much?
“So no I don’t believe that President Bush read 91 books in the last two years. Who has time to read that much?”
Well, he didn’t govern, so he may have had the time…
From the article: “Each year, the president also read the Bible from cover to cover”
Joe, how’s this for a SNL skit: Bush trying to stammer out the pronunciation an Old Testament geneology.
Red. Having just returned from the BOS where they just issued pink slips to County employees can you tell us the importance of this post?
Mark your calendar. On Jan 21st we will have a new president to scrutinize.
Actually, do some math – 91 books is a little less than one book a week.
I DO think it’s funny however, that all of you Bush-haters first say that he’s not smart enough to read that many books (unless they are comic books or coloring books) and then even if he did read that many, then shouldn’t he have been concentrating on running a country?
D*mned if you do, D*mned if you don’t.
By the way, I read for a hour before bed every night. In the past two years, I have gone through 116 books. I work a full time job, take care of three animals, have time to go out and have fun, and about a dozen other things. So it can be done and doesn’t take a lot of time – just an hour a day. Everyone spends at least that watching TV or surfing the net. Just because YOU can’t do it doesn’t mean other people can’t.
And Red Vixen – who keeps a list of the books they read? Ask around, I’d say not many.
Poor guy could find the cure for cancer and would never get a break from people like you. I hope I have more class to be more respectful to our next President than you have been towards Bush.
Oh, Heather. A genius could read a book a week, get through the Bible in a year, and still find time to be President.
Bush isn’t a genius.
Anyway I’m sure those 91 books will find a front and center location at the GWB Presidential Liberry.
Heather .
Excellent point. Yet we are expected to take a “hands off” stance on our incoming president.
While I surely did not vote for Obama I do not wish to see our country fail. As such I will not question him on such a vital topic.
Sorry this thread annoys you Larry, but I’m one of those funny people who take literacy and literary acumen seriously. What people read says a lot about them.
And apprently the same holds true for W’s spin meisters who are in the final in-office throes of legacy forging. And so we now learn that W is an intellectually curious, voracious reader. Some folks aren’t buying into that.
BTW, I didn’t vote for Obama, either. And I never cast a vote for candidate named Bush.
David. Based on your comment I am in serious trouble. No, not the many books sitting in my bookcase that I have yet to read, but your first sentence. Quote: you “take literacy and literary acumen seriously” etc.
For those who read my posts and comments I engage in “ready, fire, aim” as it relates to hitting the send key before checking the spelling and proper use of grammer. I devote too much time to content and overlook these journalistic points. At this time in my life I doubt that will change.
Must be a couple misplaced decimal points. Methinks that it’s 0.91 books in 20 years.