Do You Believe George Bush Read 91 Books in Two Years?

      Karl Rove is claiming that George W. Bush has read 91 books over the last two years, while in office.  This revelation comes in a recent Wall Street Journal article by Rove.  Is there ANYONE out there that thinks that Bush has read a little better than one book a week, this past year as Rove insists?  Anyone?  Anyone?  To me, this looks like a preemptive attempt at rewriting  GW Bush’s presidential legacy.  In other news, ex- president, Pappy Bush 41, thinks that his other son, Jeb, would be an outstanding POTUS.  OY!!   Stop the Madness!

ONLY 15 more days until the Bush Nightmare  comes to an end.  2009 – What took you so long to get here?

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