Funding redevelopment projects without voter approval

Anna Current, who lives in Jupiter, FL. is a Castle Coalition colleague whom I met at the 2006 National Castle Coalition (Institute for Justice) property rights conference in Arlington, VA. She raises a valid point in here editorial that is not unique to the state of Florida. In her report she refers to floating redevelopment debt without voter approval. Some years back we had a Brown Act violation by our Mission Viejo city council when newcomer John Paul Ledesma tried to promote voter approval of any redevelopment agency bonded indebtedness in our city. He was unsuccessful in obtaining any support and his proposal failed.

 To make matters worse, funds diverted to pay off redevelopment debts and related fees remove vital revenues for regular general fund operations in Jupiter, or any other city engaging in creating bonded indebtedness. These siphoned off funds would be better spent to pay for schools, police and fire rather than a waterfront property redevelopment project. If you have confidence that the project pencils out why doesn’t the investor use his or her own resources as demonstrated by the Irvine Spectrum in Orange County, CA. The Spectrum is a huge success that did not receive any corporate welfare. 
PS: While they call it redevelopment, many CRA projects do not entail redevelopment such as Indian Wells in that “poor” southern CA City with a magnificent Redevelopment Agency funded golf course.

Inlet Village resident concerned about CRA’s actions
Jupiter Courier Guest Columnist: Anna Current

Sunday, January 11, 2009

No one really likes confrontation, even those who say they do. But the truth is we do have to confront.

There is confusion about who is going to pay for Riverwalk and Jupiter Inlet Village. If you listen to the town, it will be paid by “overflow taxes,” after the municipal “tax bucket” is full.

However, the truth is that the Jupiter Town Council, acting as the governing body of the Community Redevelopment Agency, is siphoning off taxes from our total tax revenue into a different account. From that, they will contribute our tax dollars to developers for this leisure development and district. The diversion usually lasts for at least 15 years and might last for as many as 30 or 40 years.

The CRA also has unrestrained financial power, to the extent that they are planning to float tax increment bonds.

This maneuver is pulled off through an existing legal strategy whereby Jupiter taxpayers are prevented from approving the bond debt. As a result, they unknowingly become obligated should the project not produce increased taxes, not be completed or fail. Repayment is less assured, so lenders charge higher fees and interest, making this type of bond the most expensive way to borrow money.

When used to offset the high costs of redeveloping blighted sites in poor neighborhoods, this type of financing can be an effective economic development tool. However, citizens recognize that the waterfront properties along the Jupiter Inlet and Intracoastal Waterway are among the most affluent areas in Jupiter—producing high tax revenues needed for the general fund.

The first beneficiary of this bizarre power is the developer of Harbourside, in the Entertainment District, located at the foot of the Indiantown Road Bridge & US 1.

Of course, we assumed that the town council would never be a party in the current financial meltdown; however floating bonds and contributing taxes against the uncertainty of property tax revenues is disgusting and deserves censure by its citizens.

These subsidies disadvantage local, independent businesses, because they must shoulder a higher tax burden in areas where part of the city’s property tax revenue is being diverted from city services and used instead to pay off bonds that financed competing businesses.

Tax breaks for individual developers and monetary economic development incentives are never a good idea. These incentives are veiled by the town council to entice voters into believing they are getting something for nothing — they say it’s simply paid out of the “overflow.”

This spin prevents taxpayers from recognizing that our “tax bucket” has been raided to serve special interests at the expense of dollars desperately needed to run our government.

Our local government officials must be honest with taxpayers about the developer giveaways, costs, tax breaks and risks involved in this type of funding. The Town of Jupiter has never used this tactic before, and must not begin now by taking steps to obligate the taxpayers for unapproved bonds.

Taxpayers need to speak out against this back-breaker.

Anna Current is a Jupiter resident and executive director of the Coalition for Property Rights–Jupiter.

About Larry Gilbert