O.C. Supervisors Janet Nguyen and Bill Campbell will be sworn in on January 13, by Mexican bashing State Senator Mimi Walters (see the graphic below). Nice. What a slap to her constituents by Supervisor Nguyen.
Walters moved up to replace Dick Ackerman in the State Senate last year, after bashing Mexicans while running against Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu. To his shame, he too resorted to bashing Mexicans.
Couldn’t Nguyen have picked someone like State Senator Lou Correa to swear her in?
“honorable janet”…is that not an oxymoron?
Being somewhat new to this blog could you cite an example of the Mexican bashing for me? I unfortunately find that “Mexican bashing” label is thrown on someone if they are against illegal immigration. Did Mimi actually use the word Mexicans and then say something derogatory about them? Or is this just another example of character assisination?
janet wouldnt ask Lou to swear her in no matter how close they are because Lou is a Democrat. janet is way too partisan for that.
Walters ran one of the most racist campaigns ever last year. Click on the “Mimi Walters” tag on this story and see for yourself.
jimbob you hit a home run on your observation of this . in art”s world if your not for illegal immigration your a mexican basher . if you support prop 8 you are a hater . and when you become more in tune with this website you will find that art tends to BLOW THINGS OUT OF THE WATER to get more crazy post on this site .
I could not see the tag to read about Mimi Walters campaign. Where is it?
Jim bob,
Try this link: http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?as_q=mimi+walters&num=10&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&ctz=480&c2coff=1&btnG=Search+Blogs&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&bl_pt=&bl_bt=&bl_url=http%3A%2F%2Forangejuiceblog.com%2F&bl_auth=&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=a&as_mind=1&as_minm=1&as_miny=2000&as_maxd=7&as_maxm=1&as_maxy=2009&lr=&safe=active
It’s just character assassination. Like most blogs, you choose to throw out rants without any substantiation. Illegal immigration is illegal and California and other states will eventually purge our ranks of illegal aliens and provide those jobs to Americans. Illegal immigration keeps job salaries down, encourages illegal behavior of all kinds from those who enter the country illegally (using benefits, not paying taxes, forging documents, visas and social security cards, enrolling children using falsified information, using ER wards for health care, making it impossible for an employer to use legal laborers and compete in the market place, etc.).
Mimi’s a great lady, intelligent, and votes responsibly. Go out and do your homework, poncho.