President Barack Obama almost won in Orange County last November, but take a look at the map above. “While the turnout of Republicans in the 18-25 year old age bracket decreased 9 percent, their Democratic counterparts surged by 55 percent – leading to a Democratic majority among young Orange County voters,” according to the O.C. Register.
But never mind the Democrats – look at how many young voters voted Decline to State! They know that both the blue and the red parties have screwed this country. This should be very fertile territory for the Libertarians!
When, by the way, will Republicans figure out that hating gays and minorities has lost them an entire generation of young voters?
These are the same young people who responded with so much energy to the hyper-patriotism of the post-911 period. They seemed to respond to a positive message and calls to service.
They are good kids who thanks to our national greedfest can hope to have their educational opportunities slashed even further, their job prospects relegated to minimum wage service jobs, and their hopes of staying out of jail reduced by widespread injunctions condemning everyone in a neighborhood regardless of their criminal actions or lack thereof.
Gee I wonder why they abandoned the Republicans? After all the Republicans paid them their highest complement – they let the Yaffers (young Republicans) run the McCain campaign.
Well, it was entertaining, I’ll give them that.
The OC GOP may have to pay college kids to join the OC Young Republicans!
“They seemed to respond to a positive message and calls to service.”
And indeed they did. Obama’s campaign was run on a positive message.
As long as the Republicans don’t get that Rush Limbaugh-style, that Hannity- and O’Reilly-style negativism doesn’t work anymore, they will continue to lose influence, and end up the party of old people.
Go Democrats!