The Orange County Register has found that 1,482 County of Orange executive and administrative managers are taking a bonus up front, in a taxable cash payment, to the tune of $4.4 million in 2008. This bonus was intended “to pay for education and career improvement courses,” however the managers are now cashing out without taking those courses!
“They do not have to report on how the money is spent, fueling speculation among the rank-and-file that managers are using the perk for golf club memberships and gym dues,” according to the O.C. Register.
I wonder if Carlos Bustamante, who is a County manager and a Councilman in Santa Ana, took this bonus? I truly doubt he took any classes, although his infamous “water-bra” remarks indicate a need for him to take a harassment course.
Needless to say, it is rather cheesy for the County managers to receive these massive cash bonuses at a time when hundreds of County workers are being laid off. Why aren’t ANY of the Supervisors standing up for their workers?
Let’s see – my employer offers me several ways to take some extra pay, I analyze those ways and recognizing the time value of money I opt for the way that brings me cash the quickest, and gives me the most discretion on what I do with the money. Now, what should I choose? Hmmm. If nothing else, this shows that most managers are pretty astute financially.
#1 I have no doubt that the managers are astute financially – they got the employer to pay them off the books! This way when they reported the pay increases the managers got the same percent as the rank and file but really they get more because part of their income is hidden in these “perks” that they have to “qualify” for. Yeah, these guys are astute they have the public completely fooled about how much they’re really getting paid.
I know lets publish a list of managers, all their pay itemized from all sources including reimbursed expenses (like that credit card they use to take everyone to lunch while playing the big shot). Wait, I think someone is already doing that, at least someone is gathering all that public information. We’ll see if they publish it.
Ex-wives get ready, I think the Register or the LAT is about to spill the beans on exactly what your ex makes. I’ll bet its not the same as what he told the court in the divorce.
Everyday Im reminded of how much a disapointment and total fake jane nguyen turned out to be.
I sincerley hope that the jannies in the democratic party can see the erros of their ways and shirk themesleves of the jannie cabal wich includes Melahat, Phil Becerra, Chris Prevatt, and Alicia Berhow.
Does anyone here know what positions the above mentioned hold in the dpoc so we can lobby to have them removed from our party?