Santa Ana City Council to spend over $1 million on another giveaway to the Bowers Museum

The party for the rich continues at the Bowers, at public expense of course

Unbelievable.  The Santa Ana City Council will vote on Monday on a plan to “offer the Bowers Museum a $1.3 million gift, even as they cut millions of dollars from their own weakening budge,” according to the O.C. Register.

“The money would pay for a parking lot just south of the museum on Main Street. A development company had planned to build luxury condominiums on the site, but agreed to sell the land to the city as the housing market slowed.”

The city is using the excuse that the money is coming from its redevelopment fund to explain this deal.  The city used to own this lot before, but it traded the land for a parcel on the other side of the Bowers, which the museum used for a $14 million dollar expansion and parking lot.

The city owns all of the Bowers land and gives the museum over $2 million a year to fund its operation.  Here’s an idea for the cash-strapped city – sell the Bowers and make them pay a lease for the land they sit on!

The Bowers charges $12 admission for adults and $9 for kids and students.  Few people in Santa Ana can afford those rates.  Santa Ana residents can visit the museum for free on the first Sunday and third Tuesday of each month.  That is all we get for $2 million a year.  That money is equal to over 26,000 annual Bowers memberships, at $75 a pop, or over 44,000 student memberships.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.