For a limited time, advertise YOUR business or non-profit organization on the Orange Juice blog for FREE!
The national and state economies are a wreck, and it is unlikely that either President Barack Obama or Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be able to fix things anytime soon. So we are taking the bull by the horns here at the number one rated political blog in California! Consider this to be the official “Orange Juice Economic Recovery Plan.”
We are offering FREE advertising to our readers. Do you have a business or a non-profit organization that needs help? All you have to do is tell us why YOU deserve a free ad on the Orange Juice. You can post your comments below (be sure to include a link to your website and an email address), or you may email me at this link. Be sure to also email our blog webmaster, Terry Crowley, at this link.
Our webmaster will help you with your ad, but if you need anything other than a basic design you will have to make arrangements with him or someone else who does graphic design.
Our writers are not paid to blog here at the Orange Juice. We all do what we do as a labor of love. All of us are trying to make a difference and now we are adding to our mission by giving YOU a platform to advertise your business or non-profit organization. Be sure to take advantage of this offer right away, before the space on our sidebars fills up.
Your ad will be seen by over 1,000 readers every day, according to Sitemeter. An ad on any of the other local political blogs would set you back several hundred dollars a month!
Feel free to use the comment space below to tell us more about your business or non-profit organization.
Together we will get through these hard times!
This is actually a very generous and interesting idea, Art. Nice touch!
I have two worthy causes for free advertising in your sidebar.
1. I write for the Irvine Housing Blog, and we provide free market analysis of housing issues. Our blog is
2. I wrote the book on The Great Housing Bubble to explain to people why housing create the economic catastrophe that we face. People can find out more at
I believe both provide a valuable service to those who want to understand housing and its relationship to the overall economy.
I am a fan of the Irvine Housing Blog. The analysis there has saved many people grief during a very difficult economic period. An advertisment to a sister blog and the new book would be a good match, imo.
Great idea! I will see what our webmaster can put together…
It would be a tremendous service to the OJ! readers if you happen to put up an IHB banner. His site has so much analysis/information we can apply to our financial lives, though I find many bloggers on his site to be very Irvine-centric with pompous attitudes. It seems those pseudo-rich folk keep thinking to this day that Irvine is the center of the OC, yet while ignoring real wealthy areas like Villa Park and Yorba Linda where you can actually find real houses on real properties so unlike the Mcmansions in Irvine on lot sizes that a garage would sit on from the aforementioned cities.
That being said, hardly a day goes by without me reading IR’s posts and subsequent comments. In fact, I just clicked over from the IHB reading a couple of days worth of articles and comments. I hear the IHB’s forums are pretty good too but just don’t have the time to engage in them.
My only two blogs: IHB and OJ, great match!
Can you consider in doing a different design for the SAUSD logo
It would make a big difference to young OJ BLOGGERS
We wouldn’t want students to feel discourage about our school district I’m sure art would agree.
Want me to remove the logo Art?
We could replace it with a picture of Rob Richardson’s face. Let me work on a new graphic.
Thank you for being open about the Idea.
Richard S.
Thanks for the tip on IHB, that is high praise indeed. I’ll put it in my favorites.
As for SAUSD how about a headshot rotation among the top Admin’s. This way when folks see them in the community they will know who they are. Not that most spend much time here after work. Still it would be nice to know who to thank.
We focus on the Board Members but its the Administration they support that is often driving the truck into the ditch. Wasn’t the thread started over a Superintendent?
hardy har har.
Like any self-respecting business or organization would associate themselves with this crummy blog.
Dream on, Artie!
Is it “gimme a break” or sour grapes
Great idea Art
Is it “gimme a break” or sour grapes
We don’t agree often Larry, but we agree here! Sounds like that poor sport, Matt, again.
Hey Art, I was hoping to see IHB already advertised, too.
I have a life too! Gimme a break!
The IHB logo and link is now up, on the left sidebar.
Thanks Terry!
Hey Art, I have started a new community called Chronic Share for people with Chronic Illness. I built it, now it’s getting people to come and share their stories. It’s all out of pocket for me and I’m just doing this with one other person.
You have my full support! I will be sure to add a link to your site. Let me know what else we can do to help. If you like, I can add you to my blog team so you can cross-post once in awhile, so as to get hits on your site.
My friend Tony Bushala does that and his blog, in Fullerton, had over 10,000 hits in the last quarter, after he came on board here at the Orange Juice.
Thanks very much Art, I will consider cross posting sometime. Half the battle is just getting the name out there.
Happy New Year!