The Orange Juice blog Economic Recovery Plan

For a limited time, advertise YOUR business or non-profit organization on the Orange Juice blog for FREE!

The national and state economies are a wreck, and it is unlikely that either President Barack Obama or Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be able to fix things anytime soon.  So we are taking the bull by the horns here at the number one rated political blog in California!  Consider this to be the official “Orange Juice Economic Recovery Plan.”

We are offering FREE advertising to our readers.  Do you have a business or a non-profit organization that needs help?  All you have to do is tell us why YOU deserve a free ad on the Orange Juice.  You can post your comments below (be sure to include a link to your website and an email address), or you may email me at this link.  Be sure to also email our blog webmaster, Terry Crowley, at this link.

Our webmaster will help you with your ad, but if you need anything other than a basic design you will have to make arrangements with him or someone else who does graphic design.

Our writers are not paid to blog here at the Orange Juice.  We all do what we do as a labor of love.  All of us are trying to make a difference and now we are adding to our mission by giving YOU a platform to advertise your business or non-profit organization.  Be sure to take advantage of this offer right away, before the space on our sidebars fills up.

Your ad will be seen by over 1,000 readers every day, according to Sitemeter. An ad on any of the other local political blogs would set you back several hundred dollars a month!

Feel free to use the comment space below to tell us more about your business or non-profit organization.

Together we will get through these hard times!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.