For those of us that were forced to watch the BCS Game on January 8th, between Oklahoma and Florida…all we can say is: Phooey! Tim Te-bone, the so-called Superman Quarterback from Florida and Sam Bradford, the Heisman Trophy winner for 2009…..did not fail to disappoint.
But hey, it’s not really “their fault”. The BCS Structure and system is based on the the so-called “HAL Factor”. “HAL” was the computer that took over the spaceship in the “2001 Space Odyssey”. “Dave, don’t do it…..Dave, don’t do it…….Davvve, dooonnnn’t doooooo ittttt!” There is little doubt that the time has come to turn off the errant Bowl Championship Series computers, their unregulated self appointed computer geeks and the National Advertising Agencies that make the suggestions for the entire system.
Oh, we can be disappointed at times, when it comes to straight shooting on almost any subject, but the BCS has now established a track record of year after year of political appointees and a not so clear view of how the various participants are chosen. It goes something like this: Utah is the only totally undefeated major college team in American for the 2nd year in a row. Did they play in the National Championship? NO! All other teams had ONE LOSS records. Texas, USC and Utah all should have been in the running along with Oklahoma and Florida. But there were others teams that all have arguments for them making a play-off system. Not an anoitment charity ball!
We need a more definitive structure for the entire College Football System. Lots of different Football conferences… little time. What we need is are East-West divisions like the NFL. It should be based on making a selection of the best of the west and the best of the east meeting in a final game of the year for the national title. The PAC-10, MAC and Big Eight might fight it out for top dog……to meet the champ of the SEC, Big 10 or those in the East.
One game for all the marbles. All coaches, sportswriters and some selected civilians could choose their choice from each division. West: USC for example to face the East: Florida! We cannot accept the BCS premise any longer…..
As we watched the Oklahoma meltdown against Florida….we kept thinking: Would USC have allowed four uncontested “shovel passes by Tim Tebow?” Would USC have let Harvin make runs of 45, 60 and more yards in one game? Would Tim “Superman” Tebow look so super against the USC Defense ever? The time has come to scrap the BCS System for the last 4 weeks of the college football season. That is the time when “common sense” should overturn a “computer gone wild”!
Finally we agree on something. It’s all about money. 34 bowl games? Come on! Even the broadcasters quit calling the games by 3rd quarter and start promoting TV shows on their respective channels.
What I can’t fathom is the unrelenting pressure to have an undispute Nation Champion. BCS, playoffs, blah, blah blah.
The old sytem worked great in its pre-industrial way. So what if it created controversy now and then? That only made it more engaging.
Coaches of non-championship teams will always be grousing about something. Well, let them!
*Vince Young you say? Timmy Te-bone…come
on down….the NFL is waiting! He can call
Ray Lewis and invite his whole crew out for
some table dancing!
This subject has bothered me so much for almost 30 years that by now I’m over it. When I was in law school around 1980 we (USC) beat Alabama during the regular season, everyone finished the year with one loss, and the polls gave Alabama the “national championship.” A playoff system would be fairer and make more money. How it does not happen is ridiculous.
I think we need to accept that in FBS college football championships are determined regionally and there is no national champion. Its kind of crazy that we let it bother us so much. Its just a game.
Ron St. John
I agree with your thinking. To me, though, as long as USC is in the Rose Bowl it is New Years day whether it’s considered the championship game or not.