On Monday I detailed the abuses of power mandating that Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens should be recalled. Two more reasons have come up.
First, yesterday evening, the O.C. Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to take security for their meetings away from the sheriffs and contract it out. This is a vote of no confidence in Hutchens’ performance of her job. The vote stems from the Stasi-Sheriff’s intimidation of peaceful citizens at a board meeting, spy cameras peeping at the notes of supervisors, and her refusal to turn over to the supervisors the tapes of the spying. I detailed these charges in my previous blog.
This actually was a vote of no confidence in her by the supervisors. Unfortunately, she cannot be fired by them. So a recall is necessary.
Second new reason for a recall: Assistant Sheriff Hillman
Second, Hutchens has hired a thug for her second in command — like her, a migrant from Los Angeles, Assistant Sheriff Mike Hillman, formerly of the Los Angeles Police Department.
Can’t we get people from our own police and sheriff departments, right here in Orange County? We have 3 million people to choose from, including many police chiefs and sheriffs. Why do we have to go to L.A. for Hutchens and Hillman? L.A. is completely different from O.C. Over there, they have much bigger government, higher taxes, and more brutal cops. Remember the Ramparts Scandal?
OK, we’ve had our own problems with felon Mike Carona, just convicted on federal corruption charges. But why import trouble?
Hillman’s thuggish behavior was detailed on Orange Punch by my former Register editorial-page colleague Steven Greenhut. I’ll just quote all of it:
Is Hillman behind the police-state stuff?
Assistant Sheriff Mike Hillman offers this analysis of the widely criticized sheriff’s department security tactics at the January 13 board meeting. The best part of the analysis was this line: “No ancillary groups appeared who wished to engage in First Amendment activity outside the Board meeting.” I like how Matt Cunningham put it at OCBlog: “First Amendment activity”? It’s interesting how the clipped style of police reports can make exercising one’s free speech sound sinister.” The whole Hutchens/Hillman approach to board security seems to be epitomized by that line. They made it feel and seem sinister to attend a board meeting and actually speak out against the sheriff’s anti-CCW policies.
The three highest ranking people at Orange County Sheriff Department are from Los Angeles County. Can’t you tell. . .
Having just lived through the embarrasment of Sheriff Mike Carona’s indictment for corruption, witness intimidation and more, the last thing Orange County needs is another StormTrooper “SandySue” Get your Gun Sheriff infringing on the rights of OC Citizens.
She hires a full time swat team (which only went on 3 calls all of last year) which we now know exists to enforce Sheriff Hutchens’ political views, intimidates pro-Gun CCW law abiding citizens, and then moves on to spy on the Board of Supervisors and specifically those that disagree with her opinion.
Recall Hutchens now. Release the tapes of the Board Session. Let the citizens see whether there was intimidation or not. Any inappropriate behavior in those images is likely to show OCSD engaging in innapropriate conduct…and no one else.
Forget a recall…. Convene the Grand Jury and indict her.
She is an embarrassment to her staff and deputies. She is not abiding by the laws she swore to uphold and protect. Hutchens has made a mockery of the BOS by not allowing them access to their own video record of the meetings. The BOS is now at her mercy…they seem as if they can do nothing to stop her power trip.
Hutchens others are referring to you as Nixon and even worse. Have you no shame? Can’t you see that you will go down as a incompetent Sheriff and leave behind a distrust for your department from the general public.
Your deputies have lost respect for you and are talking behind your back. They are wondering if you are watching the BOS then are you also having your SWAT in IA watching them and looking over their shoulders? The deputies and the public is worried about your leadership.
Legal issues will cost the county and Hutchens will be to blame along with the BOS who put her in power. The BOS needs to sit her down and explain the legal issues…but will she listen? I doubt it. FYI, Hillman is not helping your cause.
All 3 implants from LA have to go. We don’t need this NAZI and Gestapo stuff down here.
Welcome to Orange County where the citizens know their rights and will hold your feet to the fire Sheriff Hutchens.
The BOS got her in office, the BOS need to clean up the mess. So far only Mr. Norby has seen the light. The other 4 are just staying busy covering their rear end trying to safe their political careers.
Why is it that she is bringing in the LA Nazi’s? They are of the same litter! A socialist, gun grabbing, spying, lying, we are THE govt and we here to protect you from yourself type of people who beleive that the constitution is a “moving and living” document. They are not here to enforce our laws and the American way, they are here to “run” a county and creat a fifedom in spite of what is good, honest and true. Recall the sheriff and fire her goons (her ever necessary LA swat team) before they spit in the face of any more constitutional law.
Folks, take a deep breath. Hutchens inherited an administratively corrupt organization of the likes of Mike Corona. Sandy is in fact, a change agent. For the life of me, I have never seen so much energy and hot air wasted on CCW permits and a bogus recall. Hutchens has brought a sense of upgraded professionalism to the OCSD, much needed I may add. Give it all a rest folks. The overwhelming majority of OC supports Sheriff Hutchens. Relax and let her do her job. Unless of course, you want the likes of Carona back in office. I think not.
You do realize that most of the Carona hacks are now supporting Hutchens? Same mess, different Sheriff.
Same Gang, different Sheriff.
Art, I don’t disagree that the same political hacks that threw money at Corona to buy his power, are now throwing their money at Hutchens. Those types of fair wind supporters are everywhere in every circle of power. Knowing Sandy on a professional level, I have to think that she is wise enough to know who they are and what they are really all about and I have to hope that she keeps them at a distance. Hutchens, by design, has surrounded herself with folks that she knows and trusts as her true “inner circle” of influence. You could not ask for a better man then John Scott to serve as her Undersheriff. His integrity and sense of honor is unquestionable. I used to work for him and “doing the right thing” is how he operates. What is probably her biggest problem is inheriting an organization that has been poisoned with the “Carona culture” within its management ranks. It will take her time to weed all of that out while she moves forward on her agenda to upright the ship Carona left filled with holes. Judge her by her actions, her progressive change for the better and her integrity. If she makes a few mistakes along the way, cut her some slack, she is human. Ask the rank and file folks who have no agenda how she is doing, that will be your true story of success. But the operative word is, “folks who have no agenda.” Carona did so much damage to the OCSD, it will take years, at best, to undo his mess. And folks, please lighten up on the CCW issue. Carona sold CCW permits like tickets to a car wash. The bottom line, let Hutchens do her job and lay off on the “recall” stuff. Next election cycle, the residents of OC will have their say and hopefully, judge her on what she has done. Thanks for the opportunity to give you my opinion.
Wait until the press gets hold of the electronic communications from the 11/18 meeting. Professional is not the word I would use.