Who is Mario Guerrero?

I bet all of you are wondering, “Who is Mario Guerrero?”  Since he is also running for the 69th AD. Well, guess no more! Mario Guerrero is a young democrat who has lived all of his life in Santa Ana.

Guerrero has dedicated his time to serve the people of Santa Ana in any way he can. He is proudly serving and going into his second year in the Santa Ana Youth Commission. He is also well know for being a neighborhood activist and finding ways to prevent crime in his own neighborhood. He also has volunteered in several Local, State and Federal Political Races.

So there you go , now you know Mario.

Here is his candidate’s statement for the 69th A.D. Assembly Delegate race:

I want to become a delegate as an example for all
the young democrats to get involved as we are the
future leaders of this party and this nation.

As a Young Democrat in Santa Ana, it is my goal
to have a voice for young voters in the 69th
Assembly District and across the State as a

Young Progressive Democrat,
(Youth Commissioner, City of Santa Ana)
Neighborhood Activist
Active  as a volunteer, in several Local, State
and Federal  Political Races
Precinct Captain for Congresswoman Sanchez

I appreciate your vote of confidence.

Thank you.


Mario Guerrero

Just remember vote for those that truly care and have a passion in helping people that would be: Michele Martinez, Valeria Amezcua, and Mario Guerrero.

About Rookie