Why did the Coast Community College District suspend their Chancellor?

“The chancellor of the Coast Community College District, Ken Yglesias, has been sent home on administrative leave and investigators hired to look at unnamed allegations against him,” according to the O.C. Register.  But of course there is far more to this story.  What we don’t know is why the CCCD moved against Yglesias.

We do know however that they hired a company called Data Triage Technologies, to investigate the allegations against Yglesias.  According to Data Triage Technologies’ website, they have experts who “identify, preserve and analyze potentially discoverable electronic evidence, while maintaining a cost effective approach throughout the process to support ongoing investigation. Our digital interrogation techniques ensure that computers “talk” for discovery purposes. Computers don’t lie, but it takes an expert to uncover the truth.”

That sounds ominous for Yglesias.  “The board also hired an investigative firm, Barboza & Associates of Los Angeles, for $295 an hour.”

Officially, we have no idea why Yglesias is being investigated, but the Register’s readers posted a few interesting comments:

  • Finally! After numerous years of nepotism, corruption, preferential/no-bid awarding of service contracts, mismanagement/missing management (only at work a couple hours a day), the Coast Board of Trustees finally decided to look behind the fairly transparent curtains. As taxpayers, we can only hope that the BOTs continue to move forward with a full audit at all levels of management within the Coast District to eliminate this on-going corruption, favoritism, incompetence, and waste. If Coast were a business, they would have filed for bankruptcy years ago! Don’t stop now: investigate, audit, and purge the corruption at all levels!!!
  • Thank God for the new board members! A fresh perspective is almost always a good thing in politics, and the atmosphere at the Coast Community College District was getting pretty stale. It is the duty of the Board to manage the district for us, the taxpayers, and I see nothing wrong with them exercising their rights and duties.Perhaps we will finally have real oversight of the CCCD, specifically in the area of employment practices. As and employee of the District, I have witnessed time and time again the hiring of incompetent, unqualified employees at every level, by a human resource system that is clearly not concerned with real-world abilities, and which lacks professional guidance or methodologies. So many in power at the CCCD are hired for WHO they know, and not WHAT they know, or to maintain a pyramid of managers that form a mutual admiration society, with any form dissent quickly extinguished. Qualified individuals with valuable skills are locked out of this closed ‘club’ and the entire District suffers for it. It’s time for this unprofessional practice to stop. It’s time to audit and reexamination of the hiring policies of the District, and the adoption of a more effective method of terminating bad or incompetent managers, faculty or staff.
  • I agree that the chancellor let his administrators, managers, etc. do their jobs without trying to micromanage them. Unfortunately, that was the problem. Some of them may now have to actually work (not just be there) eight hours per day, which may also negatively affect their golf games and real estate jobs. I am surprised that no one has mentioned the GodFather connection at LBCC which still seems to be pulling the puppet strings in Coast District personnel decisions, trying to keep the “good old boy and girl” club going (as well as for friends and relatives of the club members).

“Coast Community College District trustees have named an acting chancellor to fill in for Chancellor Ken Yglesias, who has been on paid leave since Jan. 7.  The acting chancellor will be Ding-Jo Currie, who is president of Coastline Community College,” according to the Daily Pilot.

So what really happened at the CCCD?  We won’t know until the CCCD administrators and/or board members start talking.  At least the voters got rid of former CCCD Trustee Armando Ruiz last year.  I am confident that his replacement, Lorraine Prinsky, will do a great job as a Trustee.  I am sure she is leading the effort to get rid of corruption at the district.  Good luck to her and the rest of the Trustees…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.