So much for President Obama’s desire to protect Gun Rights. It only took 35 Days for him to stop hiding his true anit-freedom agenda. Today when Attorney General Holder was asked by the media, during a press conference the truth came out. The President wants to ban so called “Assault Rifles” this time it will be to help stop the violence in Mexico! When asked by a Mexican Journalist about banning assault rifles he was happy to take up the position that implied, not only are the guns coming in from the US, but that we are responsible for them! This is the epitome of stupidity! He expects us to believe a Mexican Drug dealer comes over the border, and he walks into his local gun shop, and buys 25 Full Auto AK-47’s. Think about it, this is a totally corrupt country! They can not keep honest police chiefs or politicians in office, because they get killed! The drug dealers south of the border operate with impunity, and make the New York Mob look like child’s play! These people expect us to believe, that by banning our gun rights here, it will somehow have an effect on the violence over there! They have Some of the strictes anti freedom, anti- gun legislation in the world, and it has done nothing to stop the killing! So now we are expected to surrender our God given rights, in order to stop this? You have got to be kidding me! It is time to fight! Join the NRA, get involved! Don’t let the lie about the so Called “Assault Weapons” take away your freedoms!
Specifically Ms. Jennifer Wirsching
Good! There’s no reason a person needs to own an assault rifle.
Support our police!! Support a ban of assault rifles!!
Very eloquent!
There is also no reason, to own a car that can go ver 65 miles per hour. But we are not banning them! For the record, most Major police organizations do not oppose freedom like you do. Oh yeah by the way it is a right!
Can you even tell me what makes it an “assault rifle”. I am willing to bet you have no clue.
“There is also no reason, to own a car that can go ver 65 miles per hour. ”
Yeah lets ban those too!
And as for assault rifles, perhaps you’d like to take another crack at explaining why a person needs to own one of these;
A definition of “Assault Rifle” from Wikipedia? Wow, what an authoritative source! The Wikipedia “definition” is just the definition concocted by the Clinton Administration in 1994! As far as banning something, how about making it illegal for liberals to own computers. There would be a major drop in America’s drivel index.
This is why I asked you to define it. Let me ask you 2 serious questions
#1 Will we be safer in CA if we Ban So Called “Assault Rifles”
#2 If a rifle is not Fully automatic, is it still an assault rifle.
Bonus Question!
Is this also an “Assault Rifle”?
Mr. Feeney,
Don’t like the Wikipedia definition?
Perhaps you like this one better;
You’re looking mighty silly splitting hairs.
And you still have not given us a reason why a person needs to own an assault rifle.
This from todays NYT’s; “The Mexican agents who moved in on a safe house full of drug dealers last May were not prepared for the fire power that greeted them.
When the shooting was over, eight agents were dead. Among the guns the police recovered was an assault rifle traced back across the border to a dingy gun store here called X-Caliber Guns.”……”Drug gangs seek out guns in the United States because the gun-control laws are far tougher in Mexico.” ….. “A.T.F. officials estimate 90% of the weapons recovered in Mexico come from dealers north of the border.”
The article details just how easy and just how sleazy the gun trade is in this country.
Yeah Bigmarkod, they DO have strict gun laws in Mexico and they DON’T do any good because, we the good ole U.S. of A. are the BIGGEST GUN PIMPS EVER!
I know these are just facts, I don’t expect they’ll get in the way of your hysteria.
Yes, US Attorney general Eric Holder, a previous Ronald Reagan appointee followed along with the assertion that Obama campaigned on…that is tinkering on some gun issues. In this case reinstating a ban on the sale of assualt rifle, that expired midterm in Bush’s last term.
If this is a shocker to anyone, I really don’t want you to own assualt rifle, much less a gun. There an implication that something is lacking up stairs by anyone who thought that this ban was not coming soon, especially those in the gun loving movement.
Don’t get me wrong, I support gun rights for sane people to use in a legal, lawful manner.(And guns, only not guns that have no purpose other than mowing down countless bodies at a faster pace than other traditional guns.
Morover, I don’t understand the ongoing implication concerning those Tolitarian regimes and how you think arming yourself with an assualt rifle will or would have made a difference.
I could see it now. Bigmarod is holed up in a room with a few of his assualt rifles meanwhile SS Germans decide to bomb your room with the tanks 100 yeards away.
Also,I’m concerned with the idea that as long as one uses his or her talents from God he is entitled to whatever is made irregardless of the consequences of using the made item. Considering we have many unstable segments in our country, I’m very interested on if you believe ever man, woman and child should own a gun.
I say we start this experiment in Bigmarkon neighborhood, armed them all with Assualt rifles, seal it up and see how long peace prevails before before the wild west show comes to town. Let’s make is a sort of reality TV show!
Then, why stop at Guns. Is it a stretch to consider one right to bear arms as someone right to have bazooka luncher. How about this one Bigmarkod, can I have a bazooka. It say’s “right to bear Arms” and a rocket luncher is a armed weopens.
Then, as long as one is smart enough, with their god driven talents, to make and produce a bio-chemical agent then that person is entitled to use it to defend him or her self with other home manufactures of WMds.
Let’s not stop there! As long as one is able to produce a drug with his god given talents that person can mass manufacture it because his god given rights overrule the possible harm and reprecussions that illegal drugs place on society.
So we will have a lot more people on drugs carry their assualt rifles. Nice!
That is what your saying , or should I say like you did “implying” with your claim that owning a assualt rifle is a God given right.
God didn’t give you that right but if he did please tell me where that is written in the Bible.
No where!
What I would like to do is get a collection of money to purchase Assualt rifles and hand them out to BigMarkod’s neighbors.
I don’t know my neighbors that well where I feel comfortable with them each owning a assualt rifle. However, I bet Bigmarkod’s will enjoy many sleepless and terrified nights peering out at his neighbors pointing their assualt rifles everwhere. The days of course will not be much better, Bigmarkod will probably answer the door with assualt rifle in hand, never walks the dog because the neighbor down the street lets his ADD teenage kid, who hears voices, handle his own God given Gun.
Crime has increased without the Ban so with the Ban will crime continue to trend upward.
I wouldn’t feel safer if i knew my neighbors had aassualt rifle, would anbody else out there have any problems with all their neighbors owning an assualt rifle?
Please look at my previous posts, and explain to everybody,what makes it an assault rifle. I am trying to get past this “Mythical” being of an assault rifle. What makes it an Assault rifle…SPECIFICALLY
Anonster- the video you show is not what is being banned.
Joe- I will come by and pass the the hat to buy all of my neighbors guns. I would rather thay all have them, than just the Gangs and Police
Bigmarkod, no video, just a NYT’s article entitled;U.S. Is a Vast Arms Bazaar for Mexican Cartels. You are right, the gun they picture with the story is not an assault rifle. But that does not negate the argument, THE U.S. PROVIDES 90% of the GUNS to the MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS! WE ARE GUN PIMPS and we are a major part of the problem. Read the article.
Ok – I have a question for all of you… If the problem is these guns going across the border to Mexico how about closing the border!!!! You complain about these “assualt rifles” going back across the border with DRUG DEALERS – hello are you missing the fact that these DRUG DEALERS are crossing the border and bringing drugs here! Why are you not crying out about that? How about protecting our citizens from that?
Seriously – I grew up in Idaho – everyone I knew owned a gun and yes in a rural setting it is much more “Wild West” than the suburban sprawl here in California.And I know this is disappointing to you anti gun people – but there are no shoot outs – really go ahead and look up the stas for places like Idaho. The only real violence problems are in the Southern part of the state …and where the migrant workers are. However, there was and is to this day no gun problem in those areas. Heck people back home still don’t lock their cars when they go into the store or even their houses. The reason there isn’t a gun problem is because everyone has them – not just the bad guys. The whole debate about assualt rifles – what makes it an “assualt” rifle – the definition of assualt (from webster’s dictionary) a violent attack; onslaught.Using this definition any gun – even the tiny ruger mini suggested by bigmarkod could be used as an assault weapon.
Do you realize those so called assualt weapons taht they want to ban on the National level have already been banned in California for something like 15 years – have we seen a decline in gun violence???? Hmmmm. I don’t think so.
So my mere suggestion is why don’t we protect our citizens from the illegal Drugs and the illegal immigrants that are supposedly crossing back into Mexico with Guns they have obtained here. Close the borders and protect the citizens from that very real danger as opposed to a proposed danger that doesn’t truly exsist except out of fear and ignorance.
If law-abiding Mexicans were allowed to protect themselves with firearms, they wouldn’t have to live in fear of their corrupt government or the drug cartels.
Guns, like drugs, will always flow through criminal channels around the world no matter what the law says.
kharys, when a Mexican citizen crosses over to this country that DOES NOT automatically make them an illegal immigrant. The drug dealers cross over legally, obtain guns,sometimes aided and abetted by American’s and American gun pimps and then they go BACK to Mexico. Your RACIST notion that every Mexican crossing into this country is an illegal immigrant is appalling. These are BORDER towns,with lots of commerce going in both directions.
It’s rich that you see America as the only victim in this UGLY drama, yeah, Mexican’s deal drugs, that we buy, and American’s deal guns, that they buy, so who’s worse?
OK, let’s get specific. Do you think any of these guns should be banned?;
H&K G36
Browning BAR
Springfield M14
And Travis, this post isn’t about “getting rid of all the guns in the world”. It’s about banning assault rifles. Please stay focused.
The word assualt rifle was thought up by JFK from the german word storm grefer( strom rifle) an weapon used in a assault on a person is a assualt weapon. The number one assualt weapon on the FBI site is the srew driver
Travis, if Mexico was not sharing a border with the U.S. and our reckless gun trade, their gun laws would be a lot more effective. Gun control is only as good as your neighbors.
Do you really believe that our laws allowing the sale of multiple military-style weapons, without those weapons having to be reported to the government is a good policy?
To answer your question, yes, if we banned the sale of military style arms, over time the amount of illegal guns on the streets would diminish, either through confiscation or degradation.
Wow – I wondered how long it would take for you to call ME a racist. How easy it is to lump everyone who doesn’t share your views into that wonderful category. Do you even know what my heritage is??? No- so before you automatically lump me into a RACIST group why don’t you deal with the topic at hand. This is a major problem with our country – we feel the need to give labels without listening to the truth or each other. Jump to conclusions and you are part of the problem – not helping with the solution AT ALL. I did not mention that everyone coming across the border was illegal but in your limited view of the world you automatically assumed that was what I was saying. First, the question was about assault rifles and getting into the hands of Mexicans. If these people want them – they will get them regardless if it is legal or not (see previous DRUG DEALING – for the correct answer to that) How long have drugs been illegal? Yet they still exsit and their “illegal” stature just makes it a more lucrative occupation for those wanting to deal it. Do you not think the same thing will happen with any banned guns? The bad guys (no RACIST comment implied) will still get what they want and some other bad guys will make even more money from it. Remember your Economics and Social Studies classes – Supply & Demand – if they are illegal = limited supply however demand is still there and so someone is gonna be rich if they are willing to deal in them just as with drugs.
Second if those wonderful people crossing the border are here in our borders dealing drugs they are not law abiding citizens are they? Hmmmm? I can answer that with a resounding and very correct NO.
Please open you eyes are read and listen to what people are actually saying rather than jumping to the idea that just because someone thinks we need to take care of our problems here at home before worrying about a corrupt government and it’s people to the South are RACISTS. Do you think your neighbors are evil or self centered because their first priority is for their own children before yours? Think about what say
Good point Travis, all is lost, throw open the borders. How foolish of us to try to control anything,in fact, bring on the loose nukes, cuz when everyone has a nuke, everyone will be safer.
By the way, the U.S. is the world’s largest arms dealer and Israel is number 4.
kharys, you are the one who injected “illegal immigrants” into this discussion. I’m sorry if I interpreted your words literally, I guess you must have meant ” the illegal immigrants that are supposedly crossing back into Mexico with Guns they have obtained here” figuratively.
Travis, I am not for complete gun control but I do think this free- for- all gun policy we have in parts of this country IS destructive. The idea that ANYONE should be able to walk into a gun store and buy ANY kind of weapon, in ANY amount, without a background check or having to register those guns, is just plain nuts.
Joe. Comment #11.
While I have stayed out of this debate it is worth noting that I live in big Mark’s neighborhood with 100,000 other residents, most of which have fully functional M134 Gatling guns positioned at our front doors with a warning sign. This component of our Neighborhood Watch program has resulted in our being acknowledged as the “safest city”, at our size, “in America”
Would you say that the guns touted on this website are assault rifles?
anon – Your “I know them when I see them” approach to gun identification has resulted in some terrific “loopholes” that end up nullifying attempts gun control legislation. For instance, in California all of those models are currently banned by name, yet I can go out right now to the local gun store and buy a off-name equivalent with the same functionality and appearance. Law-abiding gun owners really do appreciate your ignorance on the subject.
As requested, please DEFINE “assault rifle” in specific terms. Both the California and Federal legislatures have tried and failed.
Well the proprietors of the aformentioned website don’t seem to have a problem calling a spade a spade, so I think I’ll rely on their expertise.
So do you agree with the California ban on those particular models?
anonster, again you don’t have anything to back up your side of this argument.
1. Drugs are illegal, have been illegal for a long long time yet they still persist.
2. California has had a ban on the guns in this discussion for 15 years but the violence continues.
The “bad” guys (the ones who would use such weapons to do harm) are going to get these guns whether they are illegal or not. Taking them away from honest citizens that go through the proper steps and regulations to obtain them in the first place will not change those facts but does take away freedom that is what this agrument is about – dragging up and nit picking choice of words or what you think the other person believes is not the issue. Freedom for good honest citizens is the real issue.
kharys, Oh I see, calling you out on blithely equating illegal immigrants with gun runners is nit picking. Just admit it, you heard “illegal” and “Mexican” in the same sentence and jumped to immigrant, that kharys, IS racist.
1. Yes,drugs have been illegal for a long time, but it is the SPIKE in VIOLENCE along the border and what the Obama administration is going to do about it, that is the subject here. 90% of the guns involved in the Mexican drug wars come from the U.S., this is threatening the security of Mexico. More than 6,000 Mexicans died from gang warfare last year. The A.T.F. estimates that more than 6,600 licensed dealers operate along the border alone, some of them OUT OF THEIR HOUSES. Is this not MADNESS?
I support the legalization of some drugs, but that doesn’t mean we should be selling them out of people’s houses.
2. California’s gun laws are undermined by Arizona and Texas’s gun laws.
OK, let’s get specific. Do you think any of these guns should be banned?;
H&K G36
Browning BAR
Springfield M14
In a word….NO
$5 Says you have no clue as to what these guns are. I have a BAR I use for deer hunting…I can post a picture of it if you would like!
Sorry to miss out on much of the spirited debate today – I had to work so I could pay my $25,000 in taxes. (Sorry I didn’t mean to thread jack).
I, like Bigmarkod, have more than one of the rifles mentioned in comment #33. I have them because the bad guys have them too, and might some day want to take something that doesn’t belong to them – namely, something of mine, or my life. I can not, let me say that again, I CAN NOT mow down people with these guns, they are all semi-auto. I guess that is a concept lost on those of you who have chosen not to exercise your right to Keep and Bear arms.
We do have a problem with the border issue, but disarming US citizens and taking away civil rights is not the way to solve it. Many of us who support gun rights, and the NRA do so for you, the person who doesn’t want to own or handle a gun. Yep, that is right, we work to defend your rights, all of your civil rights. Why? Because we know with certainty, that if we lose one civil right, we will eventually lose them all. So, just say thank you and we will be satisfied.
The so called assault weapons ban is purposely misnamed to imply that there are a radically dangerous weapons running amok in the streets of our country. True assault weapons were banned, and many destroyed in the 1930’s. Since then the term has been applied to guns that for the most part are just more scary looking than other guns.
Also, just can’t pass up the opportunity: Our son carried and USED an M-16 for years, then he switched to and M-4. I understand he used them for personal protection more than once. He is no longer allowed to carry either weapon because he is not in the ARMY, and those are military issue ONLY. You and I can’t get them, no non military can. That would be breaking the law and we are law abiding citizens.
should have said he is no longer in the army – like I said, I had to work all day.
“$5 Says you have no clue as to what these guns are.”
Well according to Travis in #29, they’re guns that are banned in CA. Do you own a gun that is banned in CA, or is Travis unaware of the law?
You and travis both owe me $5…Each
You can go buy them at the gun store.
$10 the easy way!
The firearms that have been redefined as assault weapons in California are defined by characteristics and by name. The first ban named certain firearms as assault weapons (even though they are not actaully assault weapons). The second ban created the so-called characteristics definition; such as a pistol grip, bayonet lug, threaded muzzle, flash suppresor, detachable magazine, uses centerfire ammo, etc. So, a rifle that uses centerfire ammo and has a detachable magazine will be defined as an assault weapon if it also has a pistol grip or a flash suppressor or a threaded muzzle, ETC. A mini-14, Mini-30, M1-carbine, M1A , etc are not assault weapons. But, in California, an AR-15 is. Take the AR-15 one microinch into say Arizona, Nevada or Oregon and it is no longer an assault weapon. Bring it back into California and suddenly it’s an assault weapon again. But, the Feds are trying to change this again.
Today the AR-15 type rifle is the firearm is the most commonly used rifle in target matches across the USA. It is not an assault weapon.
True assault weapons have the capability of firing in full auto mode by either being only full auto or by moving a selector switch that takes the firearm from semi-auto to full auto. These are not available to the general public but military and law enforcement have them.
Do not allow the Feds (liberals) to pull the wool over your eyes concerning this issue. Their objective is to just simply ban firearms. They will lie and rename firearms to make you think whatever they want you to think. What they do not understand they do not trust.
Assault weapons were either banned or controlled by the federal government back in the 1930’s and then more stringent controls were imposed later by President Reagan (on full auto weapons not semi-auto firearms).
The AR-15 is used as a match target rifle. The M1 Carbine is a curio/relic collectors gun and the Mini-14 is used by farmers and ranchers to control critters on their land. One version of the Mini-14 is actually called “The Ranch Rifle”. These are not assault weapons. Watch for the government to try and ban these firearms by redesignating them as such..
Has anyone looked into the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986? The Firearm Owners’ Protection Act (FOPA), is a United States federal law.
See if you can undeerstand what the following actually says.
One passage is very important:
“No such rule or regulation prescribed after the date of the enactment of the Firearms Owners Protection Act may require that records required to be maintained under this chapter or any portion of the contents of such records, be recorded at or transferred to a facility owned, managed, or controlled by the United States or any State or any political subdivision thereof, nor that any system of registration of firearms, firearms owners, or firearms transactions or disposition be established. Nothing in this section expands or restricts the Secretary’s authority to inquire into the disposition of any firearm in the course of a criminal investigation.”
You get it they don’t
And they don’t want to.
Also the drug cartel get their weapons from Cuba and North korea including anything they can steal. It is to hard to get them in America from a store. The drug cartles in Mexico due supply the gangs in the Us with weapons