Are you there ACLU? It’s me FREEDOM!
Growing up in South Orange County in a Conservative household I can always remember my fathers’ disgusted reaction when the News would mention some “Civil Rights” lawsuit brought by the ACLU. They are nothing more than a group of G- D Da- – -d Communists! As I grew up I developed my own view of the ACLU, I didn’t think they were communists, as much as a group of Liberal Elitists, who hated America, and took great pride in being “above, and more enlightened” than the rest of us “common folk”.
They now proudly display positions on their website, such as letting terrorists out of Gitmo, and giving them complete trials, complete with discovery rights, and all of the legal protections we have here, getting prisoners Spa treatments, and throwing people in jail, who mention God in public. (I know, it is an exaggeration)
So I started to wonder why I did not see them at the Orange County Board of Supervisors Meeting earlier this month? For a group of people involved in Civil Rights, and that fights the abuse of power, I was sure they would be there. We have a Sheriff, who is violating “Due Process” also violating the “freedom of information act” by not releasing text messages. Using police to “Spy on the BOS” with the video system, and then “stole the tape” She has brought extra police to intimidate the crowd, so where is the ACLU?
In order to understand this we have to see which group this was, this was a group of “GUN OWNERS”. No need to protect them, we disagree with them! You see the ACLU is about the largest group of Hypocrites in the world! They claim to be about civil rights, but they pick and choose what they consider rights! Sorry but if you look at the Bill of rights, right behind the one you use to, say whatever you want, and defend child porn, is the one that Guarantees the right of the people to bear arms! Pretty cut and dry. Last year this was confirmed by the Hellar case in the US Supreme court.
So where were you? Oops! As usual, I guess dad was right.
Ironically you’ve decided to be an anonymous blogger so as to minimize your chances of ending up in Gitmo.
According to the ACLU, the Court has historically construed the Second Amendment as a collective right connected to the concept of a “well-regulated militia” rather than an individual right to possess guns for private purposes. So the Heller case confirmed nothing but a change in direction with no clarity – not cut & dried.
Well Bigmarkod, if you’ve gone to their website why didn’t read their position on the second amendment (the Nevada ACLU, by the way takes a different stand than the National ACLU)? I suspect it’s because it is ever so much easier to steep yourself and your brethren of knee jerk neanderthals in simplified falsehoods,name calling and conjecture than facts and thoughtful analysis.
The O.C. branch of the ACLU is relatively new and who knows how many active members they have (this is O.C. after all),perhaps you could join and put your time and effort into monitoring and protecting O.C. residents civil liberties.
First of all, thank you for reading, Secondly, as usual you have attacked me, and not answered the questions.
Uh, sure yeah. The ACLU is right, on the supreme court case, yeah that makes a lot of sense. Hellar makes it very clear it applies to “the individual”. In addition to that lets think about this…Bill of rights they all apply to the individual #1, #3, #4 #5 and so on not 10, (but that one has been destroyed anyway) but #2 is a collective right? That makes no sense at all!Really that feeble argument has been discredited for many years now
Lets go ahead with Name calling and “theory” than answer the question of Where are they? Re-read the post, and answer where are they in the OC. “I suspect it’s because it is ever so much easier to steep yourself and your brethren of knee jerk neanderthals in simplified falsehoods,name calling and conjecture than facts and thoughtful analysis.”
Wow, #1 that hurts my feelings, #2 that has nothing to do with the Sheriff and her “The Law does not apply to me” and it does not address the violations that are going on.
So please try again, and explain to me where I am wrong?
P.S. As far as the OC ACLU is concerned, I the the Idea when I saw they are not losing any jobs here in the OC.
Since facts and thoughtful analysis continue to prove elusive for you, Bigmarkod, I will provide the ACLU’S position on the 2nd amendment;
The Second Amendment provides: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Given the reference to “a well regulated Militia” and “the security of a free State” the ACLU has long taken the position that the Second Amendment protects a collective right rather than an individual right. For seven decades, the Supreme Court’s 1939 decision in United States v. Miller was widely understood to have endorsed that view.
The Supreme Court has now ruled otherwise. In striking down Washington D.C.’s handgun ban by a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in D.C. v. Heller held for the first time that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms, whether or not associated with a state militia.
The ACLU disagrees with the Supreme Court’s conclusion about the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment. We do not, however, take a position on gun control itself. In our view, neither the possession of guns nor the regulation of guns raises a civil liberties issue.
In Bigmarkod World, I guess this qualifies you as an “America hater” and a “liberal elitist” smarty pants, who might actually THINK about things. How vile, to be educated and thoughtful and HAVE THE AUDACITY TO DISAGREE WITH BIGMARKOD! NEVER can GOOD people disagree on the nuances of words like “militia”, no, debate and analysis are an anathema to closed minded reactionaries like Bigmarkod.
Let me also add, that if you Bigmarkod, are so concerned about civil rights violations being committed by the Sheriff it seems to me that rather than “casting stones” at the ACLU, that YOU should get involved and do something about it. Remember, an organization is only as strong or weak, as its members.
Did I read that right?
The US Supreme court is irrelevant because the ACLU disagrees with its conclusion on the 2nd amendment.
cook, What more faux outrage?
Just because the ACLU disagrees with a decision does not mean it is irrelevant (and yes, I know you were just being snarky) nor does it mean that the decision will never be reversed. The ACLU is a citizen watchdog group and as such has the FREEDOM to advocate and work towards maintaining our civil liberties, whether or not YOU and other reactionaries agree with them.
The Supreme Court tends to swing back and forth from conservative to liberal, right now we have more conservatives, hence the 2008 Heller decision that reversed or set new precedent from the previous longstanding U.S. v. Miller case.
anonoster, seriously people are going to think you are a paid shill to prove my point! You have on more than one post totally avoided the Violations of people’s rights by the Sheriff! That is the question, I agree that you will never support freedom when it comes to guns….I understand that, and you have made that clear…BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT!!! THE POINT WAS THEY (ACLU) DO NOT AGREE WITH PRIVATE GUN OWNERSHIP SO THEY LET THE OTHER RIGHTS VIOLATIONS SLIDE!!!! You have now on 3 posts done the exact same thing!!! The word is Hypocrisy!!!!! AND IT APPLIES TO YOU AS WELL!!!!
Let me try to use my “big words” so you can understand.” It aint about the guns, it’s about her actions For example, FOIA Violations, Spying, Unfounded Revocations, Due process violations and your failure (ACLU) to address THOSE ISSUES! So please save me the lecture, and explain why the ACLU is nowhere to be found on these non-gun related issues.
And FYI, I am involved, if you would like the videotape of my addressing the BOS it can be found online, and I am getting the word out, and I am working to get her ousted.
Bigmarkod,have YOU contacted the ACLU about your concerns? If so, what did they say to you? If you haven’t contacted them (and NOWHERE in your posts have you said that you did) then you are just slinging mud.
I know the concept of differing viewpoints, is waaaay above your pay grade but the ACLU’s stance on the Second Amendment DOES NOT make their members “America haters” or even hypocrites. The word “militia” and how it relates to individual gun ownership can be debated, for and against with good arguments on both sides.
The ACLU is NOT required to carry the water for you. They are a CITIZENS watchdog group. The Nevada ACLU does get involved in gun owners rights, if you feel this strongly about this issue , it seems logical for you to join and put your energies towards changing the philosophy of the California ACLU (or at least the O.C. chapter).
Reactionaries like yourself, love to bash the ACLU but never want to get involved, why? I’ll tell you why, because for all your cries of hypocrisy on the ACLU’s part, YOU are just as much a hypocrite, crying over the Second Amendment but YOU WON’T get involved with the ACLU because YOU DON’T GIVE A DAMN about ANY OTHER CIVIL LIBERTIES.
The ACLU has millions of dues paying supporters. These are people who can read the Constitution. Lots of lawyers in there- O dear!
All of your High pay grade, and smarty pants schooling, if you lack reading comprehension, It is almost like I didn’t ask 3 times for you to address the question.
The BOS was running the meeting so you should complain to them first, although the have no jurisdiction in the matter except to run the meeting. Seems like it was just a big play for publicity. How many people have been unjustly denied a CCW permit? or been denied upon appeal?
Seems like a BOS smokescreen for many reasons.
They negotiated the pension deal with the deputies that they’re now trying to revoke and wasting tax dollars in doing so. And then they appoint a swindler to handle they county funds.
Bigmarkod; Did some research for you, if you are truly concerned about the Sheriff violating O.C. residents civil liberties you need to contact the ACLU through their Legal Intake line (213-977-5253). Good luck.
I will call them, I will give them a fair shake, and then report my findings!
Sorry, but there is no other way to put it, but you come across as an uneducated fundamentalist