Write the Caption:
One might be, “Van Tran sleeping on the job.”
Or, “Van Tran sleeping with the Democrats.” What caption would you give?
Write the Caption:
One might be, “Van Tran sleeping on the job.”
Or, “Van Tran sleeping with the Democrats.” What caption would you give?
How about:
Van Tran’s dreams of going to Congress are shattered when Joe Coto whispers, “Joseph Cao got their first…”
Rip Van Tran (Winkle)
“I can’t believe I ate the Whhhhoole thing!”
(For you youngsters out there, that’s from an old Alka Selzer ad in which the person is miserable from chowing down on too much gastro intestinal material)
My friend Assemblyman Jose Solorio was also sleeping at that time in the chamber. He said picture was taken around 4 AM.
Jose prefers another Democrat taking OC GOP congressional seat but he has deep mutual respect for Assemblyman Van Tran.
I would rather watch honorable Mr.Tran representing our district than some of ultra conservative right wing racists.
OC Shadow/Mark Sussman,
When are you going to write something substantive? The crap you post is a waste of time.
How about:
God Im so glad I got marc Sussman out there running the DPOC into the ground with his meat Puppet Chris prevatt. Now i can run against Lou Correa with impunity.