Celebrating President’s Day!

Who is the President again?  Oh, Barak Obama!  Our first black President.  The first President since FDR to inherit a “Global Depression”!  The first President to play hoops at the White House!

Meanwhile, President’s Day was originally enscounced to fill the effect of celebrating both Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays.  February 12th was Lincoln’s birthday and February 22nd was Washington’s!  So, this year we are celebrating February 16th, because it is the first Monday following the 12th.  Some great minds back in 1968 thought that the three-day holiday exceeded any necessary need for celebrating our Founding Father’s birthday….and they thought they could throw Lincoln’s birthday in…because they hadn’t made Martin Luther King’s birthday a national holiday yet and all the blacks would be up in arms.  MLK’s birthday didn’t get approved until 1986.  That date is the third Monday in January!  His birthday was actually January 15th.

Holidays!  The excuse for government officials to celebrate a free paid holiday!  Governor Arnold wants to give government officials unpaid days off as part of his budget proposal.  What Governor Arnold should have done is just not pay for any Holidays until the Budget gets Balanced.  Right now, there are plenty of Holidays that government people get off…..and they certainly don’t do any work even on the day before or the day after.  If Governor Arnold wanted to make sense….he could just give the day off before and after every holiday and not pay them for a total of three days!  Then we wouldn’t have to close the DMV every Friday or any other normal business days!

Well, it’s a thought.  It’s sort of like asking GM to build a turbo-turbine car that gets 150 MPG.  They could do it……but then what?  How could they ask the Federal Government for free money, raise the cost of the goods and services and keep going on those expensive junkets?

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.