In a new ad, Americans United for Chance and AFSCME press their attempt to make Rush Limbaugh the face of the GOP and to cast Republicans as rooting for failure. Click on the 30 second ad to see.“Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican party – he says jump and they say how high,” says AUC’s Brad Woodhouse. “He is better known among Republicans than any of the leaders and when he speaks they listen and follow just as they did on the recovery package. If you look at the polls he led them off a political cliff on the recovery package – and now they are – at his instruction – lining up to oppose the Obama budget and the rest of his agenda just like they did the recovery package hoping – as Limbaugh does – that Obama fails.
Of course – the vast majority of Americans want Obama to succeed and they know if he fails America fails. Republicans have adopted this strategy and this ad and a bunch of other stuff our side in planning is gonna make them own it and Limbaugh.”
Why should Limbaugh care if our country fails? He makes $38million dollars a year for 8 years to come. Rush says: Let them eat cake if Obama’s recovery fails. Republicans are cowards. They put up Bobby Jindal to counter Obama’s state of the union speech and he gets run over by the reality train. They should have put up their real leader, Mr. Bigmouth, Rush Limbaugh to counter the speech if he had the cajones to do so. Of course he didn’t and he hid out all day today psyching Jindal up to take another hit for his team. Cowards and Losers are making up the GOP and it’s not a pretty sight.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
It is evident from this post and others such as this that the country is deeply split into two major factions; the approximately 53% who voted for BHO and the other approximate 47% who voted for McCain. This is nearly even. If you think of this split ratio as the price of an item for which one store is charging $106 for the item and another store is charging $94 for the same item. Would it be worth your time and expense to drive to the cheaper store to purchase the item? It is a
push. This is how close it is. Nearly a 50-50 split. So, now what?
Those on the side opposite BHO will not put up with his antics if the result is what they perceive to be a degradation of their life and culture. Disturbing trouble could result.
The fighting and bickering among the politicians is also disturbing. The democrat leaders in congress act like spoiled arrogant high school children with a new toy while the Republican
side becomes more and more frustrated with the whole situation. News commentators and politicians are mentioning the possible coming
of a Civil War in the USA. If this policy from both sides keeps up, the next four years are going to be miserable especially if that civil war does come about
I hear what you are saying and I feel your pain. However, you are wrong and you’re going to have to suck it up for the next 4-8 years, like many of us have had to do under Bush.
It is evident from this post and others such as this that the country is deeply split into two major factions Not really. The voting has been done and Obama won with a decided majority, and with no contest, over McCain in the last election. Both of Bush’s “wins” were highly controversial, but America still let him do his job without all the sour grapes that is so prevalent now.
The Republicans have lost their way and lost huge amounts of seats in the last two elections. There is no “razor thin” divide in the house or senate. Neither place needs the Repbulicans to pass bills, although the president and the speakers still try to appeal to bipartisian participation.
The GOP is in tatters. Rush Limbaugh is about as close to a uniting “leader” as the Republicans have. And it’s a shame because Rush is an entertainer and he makes his money by keeping his listeners angry and ignorant. It’s his Schtick.
The rich and the media hope we turn on each other, but the real danger is that might be class warfare in which the people who are losing the most rise up against those who have stolen their homes, savings, jobs and dreams.
Red Vixen
What does “suck it up” mean? I am a little out of touch with this sort of language.
If that means endure, I have done that already when Bush was President. Unlike you republicans who saw no problem with him.
I am neither a democrat nor a republican.
Now we have yet another one in the white house who will likely create misery as he is already doing. What a mess. Just 180 degress out of phase with Bush and just as bad, possibly worse with what he is doing to the country’s funds.
What we need in this country is another political party with some sense.
Hussein did not win by a decided majority, it was just 6% of the voters. This is a fact. The congress is a different matter.
Hussein’s win is also controversial if you listen to some people. Some say that he has not yet proven his citizenship requirements. Is this true? I don’t know. Only what I have read. All’s he has to do is present the birth certificate to shut these people and doubters up. Why doesn’t he do this? Very strange. Can you answer this one?
Rush Limbaugh is not a republican leader. He is a talk show host. What makes you think that republicans would follow him? That’s silly. If it is anyone right now it would be Michael Steele. If you want to follow Rush Limbaugh go ahead, you’re the republican.
I have lost a substantial portion of my savings due to this democrat party induced mortgage meltdown. Beginning with Carter, then Clinton, then Pelosi, Frank, Waters, ACORN, and finally Obama. This fiasco went right through three republican administrations (Reagan, Bush I and Bush II) and they did not catch it and stop it. Now the freaks Pelosi and Frank are trying to blame G.W. Bush for not regulating it. I think Bush should have done a better job and stopped this thing but he missed it and let it grow. It is a well know fact where all of this originated. Now we have a mess. Both parties are to blame.
One big danger is that Obama might just be a true socialist. A clue to this is that his guy Holder has already announced plans to start banning our firearms for the sake of Mexico. Socialists do not want the citizens of a country to have the means to fight back. As an independent I find this obnoxious and sick to TRY and take our freedoms because of Mexican drug cartels getting firearms from somewhere. They have enough money to buy machine guns, hand grenades and rocket launchers from any source on the earth. Banning our guns will not stop this.
You’re right, there could be some sort of class warfare in the furture against those who have stolen what you say are homes, savings, jobs and dreams. These would be the prominent democrats, banks, and wall street gooks created this mess.
If that means endure, I have done that already when Bush was President.
Yep, that’s pretty much what I meant. Apparently you don’t like politicians, so you’ll probably not like the new shift, either.
Red Vixen,
So, what does “Suck it up mean?”
I know that it is terminology used in drinking liquor. But, that was not the subject.
I think it means, “man up.” Or “deal with it.”
It’s hard to deal with the fact that one has lost $400,000 of life savings and it still is going away as Obama speaks each day.
Oh, and the new poster boy for GOP ideals, Bobby Jindal, LIED. Lied about that made up la-la story about Katrina! Right there on national televeision, the exorcist, Bobby Jindal, told his tall tale and didn’t expect any of us to check on it.
FORD . GREAT JOB ..TALKING TO COMMI RED VIXON is like talking to the wall . these libs dont listen . they want a nanny country that gov pays for everything . blames bush . and in 4 years when this country is in a hell hole god help us they will still blames bush .