Jubal countdown continues, as Greenhut reminds us that Lewis has sold out his principles

Day 21

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It has been two weeks since Steven Greenhut broke the news that uber GOP consultant John Lewis had endorsed Democrat Tom Daly for the O.C. Board of Supervisors – choosing to ignore conservative Republican candidate Shawn Nelson, who is a member of the Fullerton City Council.  Nelson is the only conservative running to replace Supervisor Chris Norby, who is going to term out next year.

Greenhut reminded his readers this week about this debacle.  Click here to read his latest Orange Punch post, entitled “Lewis sells out conservative principles.”  Ouch!

Greenhut wrote “Daly is a moderate Democrat and a very nice person and he did support Norby when Lewis was running his campaign and the whole GOP establishment was behind the horrific Cynthia Coad. But still. It’s absurd for Republican leaders to back Democrats when there are extremely good GOP candidates in the race.”

Greenhut also is writing off GOP candidate Harry Sidhu, who is a carpetbagger candidate for this seat.  And he wrote that “Shawn Nelson of Fullerton has been a leading voice for limited government in his city and was even named OC’s GOP elected official of the year. Yet Lewis is backing the Democrat anyway.”

When will Matt/Jubal Cunningham tell his readers about how Lewis sold out his party and his principles?  It has been two weeks since we started our countdown.  Don’t hold your breath!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.