Uh oh. Apparently the Obama administration is pumping out more money than ever in our history. Take a look at the video above as Glenn Beck, of Fox News, takes great pains to explain how our money is being greatly devalued. And he warns that we are headed for a crash.
Be forewarned. This is a most disturbing video…
I am surprised that you believe anything the Bush News Channel puts out…
They are slightly biased, to say it politely.
Hard to argue with giant charts!
Geez, it’s FOX News, there is a reason he had to switch networks.
But what if he’s right?
Hey, it’s highly likely we are already on a runaway train anyway and there really isn’t any stopping it. Did anyone notice that we already had a crash in October of last year and our net worth as a nation went down by essentially trillions of dollars? Many people felt it in their retirement accounts but the average person with little as far as savings or investments has only just begun to feel it. This is just another way FOX News is trying to blame Obama for the mess the Bush administration has created during the last eight years. “Yeah, things were bad with the old guy, but let’s blame the new guy for everything even though we already know we will continue this downhill slide no matter what anyone does!”
Everyone is talking about bailing out homeowners who bought houses they can’t afford and keeping real estate prices high. Never in my wildest dreams would I pay as much for a house as mine was worth a few months ago. The only way left to bring housing prices in line with salaries is for inflation to pay off the mortgages. Bad news for anyone who saves money, but there aren’t that many savers.
The worst is yet to come.
I think most Americans have had enough of the fearmongering for the last 8 years, thank you very much.
oh yeah..i always look to Glenn Beck for his incisive financial knowledge…
#’s 8 and 9,
I have no clue who Beck is, but what he is saying makes sense – and is scary. He appears to have his facts in order – yet none of our readers have been able to negate his message with facts. Everyone is just insulting this guy. What if he is right?
Art, anybody can make up giant charts.
That doesn’t mean the content is valid.
And if it’s on Faux News it almost certainly is wrong.
Unless serious economists, you know, the guys who study this for a living, state something like that it is nothing more than irresponsible fear-mongering from right wing nuts.
hey joe and teacher . the great liberal think tanks you guys are . i guess if it comes from fox its not true . maybe msnbc with keith overbite and rachel mumbling maddow is where you get your one SIDED NEWS . fox kicks their butt in the ratings so MORE people are watching that news station than msnbc where i cant even see them in the ratings . i suppose you get your facts from the daily kos or the huffington post . their reporters noses gets bigger as they write or speak . art 2 for 2 are you sick today i agree with you twice ..
joe fear mongering see your boy nobama for that one .
Art, the not-so-great one has agreed with you twice today.
That should trouble you.
Go back some years to the election that Bush #1 lost.
That third party candidate had all kinds of charts in his campaign infomercials.
They were similar to this video clip with one notable exception.
This clip is showing panic hyperinflation happing now, and
That third party candidates charts was showing what will happen in the future if something wasn’t done soon. That horrible future predicted was 15 to 20 years away, and that was 17 years ago.
American people will not fail or go away. But the best political system money can buy may go the way of the prior CCCP, or worst, like King Louis 16th.
Little one: Fox is not a news channel, it is right-wing hate talk radio on TV. Until they fire the hate-mongers Hannity and O’Reilly, nobody takes that channel serious (that is, nobody except a couple clowns like you.)
hey little joe ratings = game over . your far left wing stations are out = defunk why can you anwser that one little joe maybe they will fire the haters on msnbc , daily kos , huffington post . oh wait its free speech you will say . well lots of people take those shows serious except mindless clowns like you . check the ratings pally .
LOL. So the not-so-great one’s new line of thinking goes something like this;
High ratings = serious, correct opinions
Haha…if that weren’t so laughable, it might be worthy of commentary.
#17, Little one:
So, your new line of reasoning seems to be “eat sh*t, billions of flies can’t be wrong”…
Oh, and little one, if the right-wing hate radio/TV has oh so huge ratings, shouldn’t your guy have won?
The outcome of the election has shown very clearly that you right-wing hate mongers have no influence, that nobody takes you right-wing hate mongers serious.
little joe we lost because we did not have a good person running .mccain is a war hero and i belive a good person but i did not agree with him on lots of things . now as far as your far left boy i will give hin him time . he is off to a great start = lots of his picks not paying taxes . the b/k plan than he just put his name on it = no more blaming bushy and in 2 years after streched face pelosi and clueless harry reid destroy the country . the people will wake up vote them out and your boy nobama better come on or else he will be a short term pres .
Little one, so you acknowledge that the right-wing nut hate radio/TV couldn’t overcome what McCain lacked.
Thanks for agreeing with me then that the right-wing nut talk radio/TV has become irrelevant.
Glen Beck has absolutely no economic training. Glen Beck is a idiot and the morning crew at CNBC seem to be joining him. Can we have pure news back please!!!!