Meg Whitman, the former eBay CEO who announced Monday that she is exploring a run for governor, has settled a dispute with the cybersquatter who claims several key domains like and,” according to the Sacramento Bee.
Well, she forgot the Latino vote, which she will have to pursue if she makes it to the general. I already bought – and I just bought too.
Won’t that be a hoot when one of these candidates has to fork over the moolah to me? Of course, they could opt not to, in which case I would be free to put up all sorts of info as to why Latinos should not vote for them.
Game on!
Typically dense rich “moderate” Republicans. Let’s hope Whitman and Poizner blow hundreds of millions of their own dough on their campaigns so they “stimulate” the state economy.
Art – you forgot to purchase “” and the Spanish translation.
Gee, somebody has some extra time, and money, on his hands.
JS said: “Typically dense rich “moderate” Republicans.”
Would you prefer that a “typically dense liberal Democrat be elected?
That is the only other viable option.
I just checked on those. Turns out George W. Bush owns them…
Ain’t no difference between ’em. Look at Arnold.
If this works out, I will have a lot more money to work with when one of these Reeps has to buy my URLs…
There is a big difference between a center left Republican (Arnold) and the left of left looney liberal California legislature.
Arnold has vetoed many bills which would have been devastating for California had a Democratic governor been in office.