Today is the birthday of the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln. You may not know that Lincoln was a friend of his Mexican contemporary, Benito Juarez.
“The similarities were in chronology and background. Lincoln lived between 1809-1865 and Juárez between 1806-1872. Both were born poor, both cared more for political power than riches, and both believed law was the best preparation for a political career. Though neither was conventionally handsome, both compensated for a lack of matinee idol looks by radiating an impressive charisma and commanding presence. Though they never met personally, they formed a lifetime mutual admiration society and helped each other whenever they could. Instances of their interaction will be recorded as this narrative develops,” according to an online History of Mexico.
Lincoln also opposed the dreadful U.S. war with Mexico. And he became a hero in Mexico when he sent guns and other supplies to Juarez, who at the time was fighting off the French. Lincoln’s assistance helped soothe the feelings of Mexicans who were still upset over the U.S. invasion of their country.
Juarez, like Lincoln, was a self-made man. And he was a liberal who opposed the corrupt Catholic Church. He took away a lot of their land, which earned their unending ire.
Though Lincoln and Juarez never met, they remained friends up until the tragic murder of Lincoln. Juarez died of a heart attack while still serving as President of Mexico.
Two hundred years ago one of our greatest presidents, Lincoln was born. He eventually befriended the Mexicans and their great leader Juarez. Today the GOP has squandered this good will in their unending attack on all things Mexican. What a shame and what a lost opportunity. And the Republicans also squandered the good will of our black community. Today most black and Latino voters are Democrats. Abe would be shocked at that turn of events! Indeed he might well be turning in his grave…although I think he would be proud that we elected a black man to be our President.
Sad, very sad. I don’t understand why you would think Republicans hate all things “Mexican” I as a Registered Republican, think Mexicans, Latin Americans, Vietnamese, Russians, and all other people are what has made this country great! As a son if of immigrants, running from the horror of Communism. My grandfather spent years in a Communist Prison, we have all come here for the same thing. Freedom, and opportunity. We are all here because we know we will live under the Rule of Law. That way we know, we all get treated fairly (I know, I know throughout history people have been screwed in America, The Indians, and Slaves are #1 and #2) And yes, I know not everybody gets the exact same treatment all of the time. BUT this is the greatest country in the World for treating people fairly and equally.
I assume you refer to immigration as why Republicans hate all things Mexican.
Can we be honest with each other. America needs labor, and Mexico has hard working people who are honest and need to send money to Mexico.
Why does Mexico need money to keep its economy afloat? In my humble opinion, it is because you have a corrupt Socialist government. So I do not blame anybody for doing whatever they can to come here and live the dream. Does the US give out enough “labor: green cards…No
The illegal community has cut it’s own wrists. (before you start screaming racist, listen)By coming here illegally, you hurt your own cause. Why would the Government give out additional green cards, when we have more than enough people here illegally to do the jobs? Why would employers pressure the govt for more green cards, if they can pay an illegal less to do the same job? and they know the law will not be enforced? You have a true and valuable purpose, but with an unending supply of people, you will never create a demand for new rules.
Now, what do people see. People here illegally, using our public services, education, medical etc … Are they wrong to be upset? Am I wrong to be upset about a possible tax increase in CA to pay for your kid’s education, health care, etc…So now your activists call us Racist for not wanting to pay for this. In addition to this your people get so out of control about fighting US they call PEOPLE WHO WANT TO DEPORT ILLEGALS WHO ARE IN PRISON RACIST ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I am more than willing to meet people half way, but don’t come to my house for dinner, and then complain about the steak!
I have a compromise, how about we implement the Mexican immigration policy? will that make you happy? please let me hear your reply, and don’t just skip over it! WOULD YOU BE HAPPY IF THE U.S. IMPLEMENTED THE MEXICAN POLICY FOR IMMIGRATION, AND TREATMENT OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS? Please answer it and don’t be a hypocrite.
You said it all and said it well.
Pray tell, where did your ancestors come from? I seriously doubt you were natives to this continent.
Art said: “Pray tell (Bigmarkod), where did your ancestors come from? I seriously doubt you were natives to this continent.”
Art – Bigmarkod did indicate that he is a son of immigrants and that his grandfather ran from communism. Altough, I suppose he could mean that his grandfather escaped from San Francisco.
LOL, according to Newsweek our entire country is now a socialist economy, thanks to Bush and now Obama.
The point is, we all came from somewhere else. For some reason Republicans are all upset about Mexican immigrants. IMHO, I believe this is due to blatant racism.
The GOP that stood against slavery is long gone, compromised by the Talibani Republican wing and the Southern Democrats absorbed into the party years ago. It is very sad.
Art , you make me sad. I get the feeling you didn’t even read the article I wrote. You are part of the problem, you do not want to face the facts and the issues, and just want to fall back on “You disagree with me You are a Racist” my 5 year old makes better arguements than that.
I stated, #1 I am a Son of an immigrant. #2 The US Screwed the Indians, and the Slaves. and #3 their is a place here for our neighbors from the south.
You need to step back from your sad view of “Lets blame everybody who does not agree with me, and call them racist”
I will leave you with this. #1 You did not answer my immigration question, and #2 If the GOP is so racist, and hates immigrants….Why did the Vietnamese who moved here in the 70’s established themselves, learned English, go to school, stay in school, and do very very well. How were they able to overcome this racism?
Actually Don’t bother I know your answer.
Here is Art’s response:
If you are white you are a racist.
If you are a Republican you are a racist, no matter the color of your skin.
HORRAY FOR POST 6. 7 , in arts small world you are a racist if you support keeping illegas out of the country he calls them immigrants . you are a racist if you have a R NEXT your party . its W FAULT FOR everything in this country . NOT CONGRESS . and of course you are part of the taliban racist party if you support anything that is ANTI LATINO .
I can answer your # 2 question:
USa never have been racist against vietnamese and neither any asian race,
The Vietnamese were brought here in USA on the 70’s because USA was feeling so regretful for the killings done to your people, that brought your people as pampered babies offering legal residence in USA and a place where to live, Besides the White man here have obssesion with asian women I guess for the sexual submissive fame, that american old guys keep bringing in masses asian woman in USA.
The mexican community have not been brought as pampered babies, USA have been harsh against the community , and does not offer a LEGAL decent option for mexican people to work legally or immigrate legally to USA
Remember that those mexican illegals are here for the same reason as YOU are here, all you have immigrated from your country escaping from extreme poverty and pursue a better life.
WOULD YOU wait patiently 15 long years in Vietnam waiting for a VISa to emigrate to USA having your family starving??,that is what USA offers to the mexicans who want to immigrate legally, 15 years of waiting. for a desperate immigrant, that is the whole life.
I am sure that if you had to wait that time, you would end up jumping the border as the illegal mexicans if Vietnam would be close as Mexico to USA, and this does not happen because Asia is so far away, if not USa would be invaded by milllions of asians.
So your Vietnamese immigration situation is way different than the Mexican immigrants, they do not have a encouraging legal immigration procedures, they are real fighters against racism and civil rights abuses, sincerely I don’t know how they can live under so many racisms and discrimination here.