The Sacramento Bee’s editorial board is urging GOP State Senator Dave Cox to vote for the proposed state budget – and they are asking their readers to contact him and urge him to agree with the Democrats’ proposal.
Never mind pressuring State Senator Lou Correa. If you don’t want the tax increases to take effect, you need to contact Dave Cox right away.
Click here to contact him via his State Senate website.
Or click here to email Cox at his campaign email address.
Hi Senator Cox,
Time to bite the bullet on this. Cutting taxes and holding the line on spending just isn’t going to get us out of the current morass–Gov. Schwarzeneggar rode into office on the vehicle tax cut, and look where we are now–having to reinstate it, and then some. I’m willing to pay some additional taxes to improve our education, to cover the services we need, and to get us out of the mess we’re in. I don’t want to live in a state as barren as your approach to government would make it.
Harry, Great! I love to see people jump in,
Go ahead and send your money to
State Franchise Tax Board
Sacramento Ca
They are waiting for your donation
In my humble opinon…you are a sucker of the first degree (or a state employee…or both) we didn’t get into this mess because we have less money than we did 5 years ago, we have way more! It is the Spending!
Here is your homework..Look up the # of people in the state 5 years ago, look atht e revenue, and look at the spending. Guess which one shoots through the roof?
Spending getting higher than five year ago is due to many factors such as the population growth (7.6% from 2000 to 2006)and revenue getting lower is due to the slower economy. Without the budget, state employee layoff of 20,000 is not going to help the economy. Please don’t think about yourself only. Be a contributor to the place where you live! Nobody thinks you are a sucker if you are a contributor.
For the Sacramento Bee’s editorial board,
Senator Cox’s website is not accepting comment from outside of his district. It appears that he is not working as a “state” senator. No wonder he cannot see the big picture.
To your point of reduced revenue. If your personal paycheck shrinks do you continue to spend at the same or a higher level or do you tighten your belt? Yes, the proposed budget has cuts but when you still refuse to cut to the bone then you are simply being negligent. The growth of our state government during the past few years was unnecessary and cannot be sustained in the current economic climate. There is a difference between “needs” and “wants.”
My latest Juice post reflects a request for $23 billion of stimulus funds for CA infrastructure projects. If a chunk of that list is included in the federal stimulus then our legislature should not ignore that revenue source as they work to balance the budget
More population means more revenue. The legislature has taken the 5th largest economy and turned it into the 8th and declining. Good job Sacramento, good job. Now how about feeling the pain with the rest of us and cut your salaries by 30% so the budget can be balanced. Stopping your pay increases should have been done prior to our decline to the 8th largest economy. Sacramento is too fat and it needs to be reduced in the next election. Dave Cox, hold your ground and support the folks that put you there.
Yes, hold your ground Dave! More taxes is not the answer, less spending is the answer!